Glimmer is clean content focus Blogging Theme. It supports 10 type of post format. It is simple and elegant. Glimmer is suitable for any kind of personal, travel, hobby, life style and tutorial blog etc. It’s code structure make this template very easy. All required information’s are provided in documentation.
Key Features
- HTML5 / CSS3 valid code
- Cross-Browser Compatibility Chrome, FireFox, Safari, Opera, IE9+
- 100% responsive
- Font Awesome Icons and Custom Icon (retina ready)
- Well commented and well structured coding
- Supported google fonts API
- SCSS (CSS) file included
- Image logo
- Retina ready logo image and 404 image
- Built with Bootstrap-3
- Unlimited Color Change with SCSS
- Easy to customize
- 15 Widget Ready
- Custom layout support (Sidebar left, sidebar right and full width)
- Google Map included
- Custom Favicon
- 10 Post Format
- Full support of Multilevel Menu.
- Author info box below each article
- Custom 404 error page.
- Custom search page
- And more…
Sources and Credits
I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.
- Playfair Display
- Lato
Photo Credits
- Unsplash
- Front-End Framework: Twitter Bootstrap
- Font Icon: Font Awesome
- Cusotm Shape: Icon Moon
- Javascript Library: Jquery
- Bootstrap Extend: Bootstrap
- Masonry: masonry.desandro.com
- jQuery-migrate: jQuery-migrate
- Owl-carousel: Owl-Carousel
- Magnific-popup: Magnific Popup
- Justified gallery: Justified Gallery
- Flicker JQuery: Flicker JQuery
- Instafeed: Instafeed
- imagesLoaded: ImageLoaded
- smooth-scroll:Smooth Scroll
- FormChimp: FormMailChip
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