Fully featured User Management System with six payment options including recurring payments/subscriptions.
Update 28. Aug. 2019.
Prior to update follow install instructions. To upgrade unzip and overrtite existing files.
- Added Stripe PCI compliance
- Ability to record manual transaction records when assigning user membership.
- All known bugs are fixed
Update 16. Apr. 2019.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Minimu requirement for first/last name is now 2 characters
- All known bugs are fixed
Update 06. Dec. 2018.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Updated PDF library
- All known bugs are fixed
Update 01. Oct. 2018.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Added GDRP checkbox
- PHP v7.2 compatibility
- All known bugs are fixed
Update 14. Sep. 2017.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Ability to upload files based, on membership acess.
- Added option to assign default membership during registration
- All known bugs are fixed
Update 14. Sep. 2016.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Complete rewrite.
- Password hashing.
- New front and backed design.
- Fully responsive (renders perfectly on any device).
- New gateways (Off line, Ideal and Authorize.net) Single payments.
- Stripe (recurring payment added).
- Detailed sales statistics per membership and per user.
- User history (previously purchased memberships).
- User permissions assignable admin permissions.
Update 24. Mar. 2015.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Added Language File
– You can now easily translate MMP from admin panel - Added Discounts/Coupons
– You can apply discounts/coupons based on membership - Added Country Based Tax/VAT
– Apply VAT/TAX based on user country - New Admin Panel/Front End
– New face lift for admin panel and front end - Added Country based/registration User Statistics
– View chart/map based on user registration/country - Invoice Printing
– Users can print invoices for each transaction record - Added PayFast payment gateway
Update 28. Aug. 2014.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Added custom fields
– You can assign custom fields to user profile and registration page - Added Stripe payment gateway
- Added sendmail as mailing option
- All known bugs are fixed.
Update 25. Sep. 2013.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- MMP is now fully responsive and themable
- Completely rewritten and 20% faster
- Added logo upload via admin configuration
- Added user notes for user profiles
- Added ssl settings for smtp mailer
- Mysql driver is replaced with Mysqli
- Manual user activation notification
- Code and database optimization
Update 09. Apr. 2013.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Compatibility for new PayPal api
Update 26. Jul. 2011.
Prior to update follow install instructions.
- Fixed: Missing user id when editing user
- Fixed: Sending newsletter when only user is admin
- Fixed: User Ajax search wrong url
- Fixed: Help section
Replace the following files:
all files in /admin/ folder
Update 16. Jul. 2011. (v.2.0)
- Automated signups and expirations
- Automated account expiration handling
- Built in News Manager
- Built in Newsletter Manager
- Database Backup/Restore
- Customizable Email Templates
- Easy Protected Page Builder
- - Paypal
- - Moneybookers
- Subscriptions/One time payments
- Automated cron jobs
- Built In Help Section for easy integration
- Built in contact form
- Fully Ajax, Powered by jQuery
- Transaction records – charted
- Site Maintenance
- —Delete Inactive users
- —Delete Banned users
- Automated install wizard
- and lot more…
NOTE: Due to a completely rewritten script structure, and membership processing, there is no upgrade option available.
Please note that some features are disabled in demo mode!
Admin area http://wojoscripts.com/mmp/admin/
Demo http://wojoscripts.com/mmp/
Admin Login
Username: admin
Password: password
User Login
Username: demo
Password: password
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