GoStock – Free and Premium Stock Photos Script It is a platform to share stock photos free and premium of high quality, users will be able to upload their photos to share with the whole community and visitors, and may receive donations through PayPal. In addition users will be able to give you like, comment, share and add to collections your favorite photos.
- Demo User: john
- User Pass 123456
- URL https://gostock.miguelvasquez.net/login
- Features are disabled in Panel Admin
Icons from www.flaticon.com and www.freepik.com
- Built with Laravel 6
- Bootstrap
- Font Awesome
- IcoMoon
- Facebook Login
- Follow / Unfollow system
- Like in Photos
- Collections of Photos
- Categories
- Notifications Real-time
- Latest, Featured, Popular, Most Commented, Most Viewed, Most Downloads sections
- Photo search
- Download photos in different size
- Search for photos by colors and cameras
- Members can upload unlimited photos
- Updates photos
- Option Delete Account
- Members can change their name, email and password
- Upload Avatar
- Upload Cover
- Change password
- Donations through PayPal for members
- XSS: Protection from cross site scripting
- Secure Bcrypt password hashing
- SMTP Support
- Share social
- Easy translation
- Ajax pagination in Photos and Comments
- Comment system
- Like in comments
- Feed section (Posts by users you follow)
Admin Features:
- Change the site name
- Change the site title welcome
- Manage General Settings and Limits
- Statistics
- Set keywords for the site. (SEO)
- Add a description (SEO)
- Create/Edit pages e.g.: Help, Privacy, etc.
- Manage Categories
- Manage Photos
- Manage Members.
- Manage Members, Photos Reported
- Set up social accounts
- Manage Google Adsense, Google Analytics
- PHP >= 7.2.0
- MySQL >= 5.6
- BCMath PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- cURL
- GD Library
- proc_open
Important: All images used in this demo are solely and exclusively from their owners and they are not included in the script
- Bulk Upload (Not included, sold separately)
- Spanish Language (Not included, sold separately)
- Portuguese Language (Not included, sold separately)
- Mollie Payment (Not included, sold separately)
- Razorpay Payment (Not included, sold separately)
- Instamojo Payment (Not included, sold separately)
- Paystack Payment (Not included, sold separately)
کاربر گرامی، برای ثبت نظر خود، ابتدا باید وارد حساب کاربری خود شوید.
ورود به حساب کاربری
خطای مجوز دسترسی
شما به این محصول دسترسی ندارید!
کاربر گرامی!
برای دانلود این فایل(ها) یا باید این محصول را خریداری کنید و یا باید در یکی از پلانهای VIP ما عضو شوید.
رمز فایل ها : webdevdl.ir
Download speed is limited, for download with higher speed (2X) please register on the site and for download with MAXIMUM speed please join to our VIP plans.