What is WooInstant?
Are you tired of Multi-step checkout process of WooCommerce? WooInstant is your solution. WooInstant can convert Multi-step checkout to One Page Checkout. All your customer have to do is “Add to Cart”, a popup/cart drawer will appear with the cart view. Your customer can checkout and order from that single window!. No Page Reload whatsoever! The Whole Order can be made within 10-15 seconds. Yes, you heard it right! Only 10-15 Seconds!
Check How WooInstant Works

Backend Login
Want to check the backend options and how WooInstant Works? Please use the credentials below:
Username: Demo
Password: Demo
Features of WooInstant
- Instant / Same Page Add to Cart
- Checkout, Order Product Instantly from Same Page
- No Page Reload! Hassle Free One Page Checkout Process.
- Ajax cart on single product
- Quick view on variable product
- Customizable cart icon
- RTL support
- Go to Cart/Checkout Option
- Language Support

Want to use WooInstant on your WordPress Theme?
If you want to use WooInstant on your WordPress Theme and sell it on marketplace, please buy an Extended License. You can use one license for One Theme only.