Introducing HexaBit Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template & UI KIT
Normal Permit
usage, by one or you customer, in one end product that end users aren't charged for. The full price includes the product cost and a purchaser fee.
Extended Permit
usage, by one or you customer, in one end product that end users could be billed. The entire price includes the product cost and a purchaser fee.
Short Summary
The easy and elegant interface provides you an exceptional experience. Have a stab in HexaBit demos and find it out on your own.
HexaBit is a favorite Webapp template for admin dashboards and admin panels. It's a responsive HTML template, and this will be based on the Bootstrap 4X frame. It uses all the Bootstrap elements in layout and re-styles the most widely used plugins to make a consistent layout which may be utilized as a user interface for backend software.
Bootstrap 4x
The ever-popular front framework has had a complete makeover
Construct with SCSS
Simplify uses SASS to create your lifetime editing the fashions simpler. Just jump to the well-recorded sass Code and begin customizing.
W3C Code Validate
Each of the W3C standards is preserved while generating the code of the template. You can handle SEO, page rate, and running well by keeping Web standard.
Free Update
Stay prepared with the most recent upgrades of frame design and design. Get the most recent upgrades in a timely span at no excess price.
Characteristics List
- Bootstrap v4.4.1
- Newest jQuery v3.3.1
- Constructed in SASS
- Light Black & RTL Version
- 6 Unique Color Scheme
- JS Bundling Ready (Bundle)
- Fully Responsive & Interactive
- Elegant & Clean User Interface
- 100+ Prepared to utilized widget
- 3000+ Icons
- Detailed Documentation
Prepared to Use Program
- Inbox Complete Program
- Chat Program
- Calendar integration
- Contact listing
- Contact Card
- Scrum/Kanban kind Taskboard
User & Editor
- Blog Section
- Invoice
- User Profile Page
- Picture Gallery (Bootstrap 4 Gallery)
- Picture Gallery V2
- Messenger Notifications
- Timeline
- Timeline Horizontal
- Summernote
- CKEditor
- Markdown
Graphs $ Lots of Table Cases
- Morris Charts
- Flot Charts
- ChartJS Charts
- Knob Charts
- C3 Chart
- Gauges Chart
- Jquery Datatable
- Editable Tables
- Table Dragger
- Table Filter
- Reactive Titles
- Form Cases
- Form Validation
- Advanced Form Parts
- Form Wizard
- Color Pickers
- Masked Text Inputs
- Multi-Select
- Tags Input
- Input Slider
- Date Picker
- Drag & Drop Upload
- Picture Cropping
- Sortable & Nestable
- Treeview
- Progress Bars
- Range Sliders
- Sweet Alert Dialog
Please Notice: All pictures are only used for Preview Purpose Only. They aren't a part of this template also NOT included in the last purchase documents.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of the HexaBit Responsive Bootstrap Admin Template & UI KIT NOW!
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