Introducing WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management
WooCommerce Multi-location Inventory Management Plugin lets you manage inventory from multiple locations for Your WooCommerce Store.
Our plugin was created to support a WooCommerce-based eCommerce store that ships products to customers across the globe via multiple warehouses or a business that sells its products through stores at different locations. The plugin will automatically determine the closest location of the product. It also displays the availability and Prices of Products depending on the location of the item.
Multi Locations: Features of WooCommerce :
- Manage Products stock across multiple warehouses, sites, or even Stores.
- Visitors can select there the preferred location on the Product Page or Globally.
- Option to automatically select the closest product location based upon user address. (Requires Google Map API key )
- Shows quantity or availability of the product based on the place of purchase.
- Supports Multi-Location locations for both Simple and Variable product type
- Create a Delivery Area for Location using WooCommerce Shipping Zone
- Option to include the Location-wise Price
- Ajax add-to-cart using Selecting Location. Ajax add-to-cart lets users include the location of essential items or products that are variable in the cart without loading. It can also be used on the shop page to accelerate the purchasing process.
- Rules-based on Order Fulfillment.
- Fulfillment from the majority of stocks in the stock
- Pride is from the closest point to the address of the shipping
- Pride as per Location Priority
- Product Central. It is a simple method to Bulk Edit or Manage Products from all locations in one place.
- Store Locator Store Locator, Google Maps, Allows your users to locate stores near or near their location with the help of maps. Filter Stores on the map based on the products they sell or by the radius.
- The mode is only accessible through the backend. Administrators can choose fulfillment locations to place orders via the backend. Customers don't need to pick a location when making an order.
- Create Local Pickup Locations to allow the customer to show or select a pickup location at the time of checkout.
- The Location Store Page. A separate page with a list of products available at specific locations.
- Only shows products from selected locations. WooCommerce shop page displays only the products that have been filtered from sites that are globally chosen.
- SubLocation to provide more precise control of inventory. Sublocations could be rack or bin number or shelf number, as well as sub-areas of an office floor, building, or floor.
- Possibility of assigning Shop Managers to different locations
- Sends orders to Locations email addresses and WooCommerce locations Managers
- Define Payment Methods Specific to specific locations
- Automatically detect geolocation of users from the browser and assign Woocommerce Location-based upon the geolocation.
- Incorporates each location's inventory into the default inventory of Woocommerce
- Easily Update locations' stock using One Page. Stock Update/Edit icons in WooCommerce List of Products in Dashboard will open a popup that allows you to update inventory.
- Plugin to Increase Conversion by suggesting an alternative location for the product when it is not in stock at the chosen location
- Visitors can view the selected locations and warehouses on the checkout and cart pages.
- Restrict customer to a specific location via WordPress Backend
- REST API to update and get an inventory of products to particular locations.
- Show Distance to the Selected Location in Miles or Kilometers
- The Multi-Location Shipping Support. It is compatible with WooCommerce Shipping Pro for UPS and WooCommerce Shipping Pro for FedEx and 100+ carriers via WooCommerce Shipping Pro for EasyPost
- It is compatible with WP All import for Import and Export of stock.
- Compatible with OpenPOS and WooCommerce Point Of Sale(POS)
- Multi-currency Support. It is consistent with the WooCommerce Multi-Currency to WooCommerce Plugin
- Fully compatible to work with Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce by bolder elements
- Supports Distance Rate Shipping WooCommerce plugin
- Fully compatible With WooCommerce Advanced Shipping by soprano
- Compatible with WOOF's Product Filtering for WooCommerce
- Fully compatible Yoast SEO plugin
- It is easy to install and configure.
- Developer Friendly. We love working alongside other WordPress developers. If you require helpers to use our products to develop your project, create a support ticket.
- Create Unlimited warehouse or stock locations for WooCommerce quickly and without additional cost
The advantages of WooCommerce Multi-Location Inventory Plugin
- WooCommerce Inventory Management plugin lets you see a list of places as well as their inventory levels. You can quickly adjust the pricing of items' inventory levels, prices, and other information specific to each location.
- WooCommerce's Inventory Management (Multi-Location) plugin allows you to make informed choices about the items you want to keep, where to put them, and the amount you should purchase.
- Maintain your website's inventory synced across all warehouses, locations, and branches. Shops, stores, or units can be synchronized with this plugin.
- Simple to handle multiple places for both products and orders
- It is unnecessary to manage and set up various WordPress websites and ensure that inventory is synced across all sites.
- Delegate Management of Locations to Shop Managers
- Pay for each location with a separate payment method
- Connect and sync your Mulitlocations inventory to third-party inventory tools using WooCommerce's REST API
- Designate a Delivery Area for Location with a Shipping Zone
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of WooCommerce Multi Locations Inventory Management NOW!
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