Introducing Xenon Bootstrap Admin Theme with AngularJS
Xenon is a light-responsive admin theme built using Bootstrap and comes with a variety of UI components, layout variations, and theme skins that make an overall complete of 136 HTML files.
The first admin theme, Neon was proof of the success of the theme and is among the top 13 admin themes ever to be found on ThemeForest However, Xenon is a step up to the highest level of admin themes by ensuring a good organization of files, clear coding, and an easy expansion.
It is built using the fewer preprocessors of CSS, which lets you make your variant of Xenon by putting only the elements you need all in one place.
Furthermore, Xenon is now included in the renowned MVC (Model View Controller) JavaScript framework called AngularJS to all who wish to bootstrap their applications with available services controllers, routes, along with other parts. It loads quickly, and every request is handled using AJAX.
Theme Features
Plain HTML Features
- 4 Dashboards
- 28 Layout Variants
- UI Elements
- Widgets
- Mailbox
- Forms
- Tables
- 20+ Chart Types
- Collapsed Sidebar
- Fixed Sidebar
- Chat
- Horizontal Menu Boxed
- Horizontal Menu Fluid
- Mixed Menus
- Static Sidebar
- Counters
- Sidebar + Chat Open
- Horizontal Menu + Chat
- Page Enter Transitions
- Fade In
- Tiles
- Buttons
- Typography
- Tabs & Accordions
- Tooltips & Popovers
- Navbars
- Breadcrumbs
- Badges & Labels
- Progress Bars
- Modals
- Blockquotes
- Alerts
- Inbox
- Compose Message
- Inbox View Message
- Advanced Plugins
- Form Wizard
- Data Validation
- Input Masks
- Sliders
- File Upload
- Editors
- Data Tables
- Responsive Tables
- Portlets
- Maps
- Calendar
- Lockscreen
- Login
- Login Light
- Invoice
- Pagination
- 404 Page
- Blank Page (12 variants)
- Tocify
- Page Loading Progress
- Notifications
- Scrollbox
- Font Awesome
- Entypo
- Glyph Icons
- Linecons
- Meteocons
- Elusive
- Vector Maps
- and many more features
AngularJS Features
- Same Feature Set as Plain HTML Plus:
- Build on AngularJS v1.2.26
- Angular UI Bootstrap
- Angular UI Router
- Bootstrap 3.2.0
- Less CSS
- Layout Generator
- Skin Generator
- 28 HTML Directives
- Views/Templates
- Routes/States
- Factory Components
- Services
- Defined Controllers
- Login Form Processing
- Lockscreen Form Processing
- Layout Options Config Object
- Layout Options Saved in Cookies
- Layout Options with $layout API
- Loading Bar on Navigation
- Lazy Loading of Resources
- Structured HTML Views
- Menu Builder (Object Oriented)
- All Plain HTML pages
- Layout Toggles Functions
- Organized Asset Importing
- Google Maps Loader
- Form Validation
- Recursive Generator of Menu
- Bootstrap Compatible Modals
- Preloading Overlay on Startup
- Checkbox/Radio Replacement
- Many others for you to discover
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of Xenon Bootstrap Admin Theme with AngularJS NOW!
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