Introducing Hospital & Doctor Directory
You can create any type of package e.g daily/weekly/monthly/yearly subscription, free trial, paid trial, one time payment. The user can upgrade or cancel the subscription.
Full synchronization with Stripe subscription plan.
Paypal express checkout that includes every choices.
Whatever the device, the plugin will function exactly as it should.
Hospital and Doctor are a specific post types, so you can make use of all SEO-related plugins e.g Yoast, all SEO .
The email address of the new user will be stored in the mailChipm list for later use.
Integrated with VISUAL COMPOSER
You can create any type of package e.g daily/weekly/monthly/yearly subscription, free trial, paid trial, one time payment. The user can upgrade or even cancel their subscription.
Earn money through the PLUGIN
You can be charged for one of the of the following:
- Create a list
- Claim a listing
- View a listing
- Make reservations
- Make an appointment
- Access to the website
The plugin is WPML compatible.
15 language files are available within the language directory of the plugin. 15 language files can be found in the directory for languages. Files: English USA, English UK, Russian, German, Japanese, Spanish, French, Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, Dutch, Persian, Arabic, Swedish
Users can make notes and contact information to the listing owner.
Users can identify those interested in listing their business and then get in touch them.
A listing's details page has an accessible via a touch-sensitive slider for mobile devices.
- Payment Gateway
- A) Paypal [Express Checkout]
- B) Stripe (full synchronization using Stripe Plan ]
- Mailchimp uses Mailchimp to save Email for new users
- 15 languages are included in the plugin.
- Integrated with Visual Composer
- Hospital Directory/Listing
- 1.) Edit or add Listing from the frontend "My Account"
- 2.) My Favorites
- 3) Awards
- 4.) Doctor Affiliation
- 5.) Hospital Video
- 6) Images from hospitals
- 7) Specialties
- 8. ) Who's interested in my ad
- 9) Claim Listing
- 10.) Contact List Owner
- 11.) Image slider
- 12) Listing event
- 14) List Read / Write access based on user role
- 15) Administrators can create new fields
- 16.) Category Map Image setting for Marker
- 17.) The User List is published Capability or Waiting for approval
- Age 18) Social Profile
- 19) Take it with you.
- Doctor Directory/Listing
- 1.) Edit or add Listings using the frontend "My Account"
- 2.) My Favorites
- 3) Awards
- 4.) Hospital Affiliation
- 5.) Hospital Video
- 6) Images of hospitals
- 7) Specialties
- 8. ) Who's interested in my offering
- 9) Claim Listing
- 10.) Contact List Owner
- 11.) Image slider
- 12) Shortcode for booking
- 14) Listing Read/Write access based on the user role
- 15) Administrators are able to add new fields
- 16.) Category Map Setting of the marker image
- 17.) The User List is published Ability , or Waiting for approval
- 18.) Social Profile
- 19) Don't forget to share it
- Membership Type
- A) Free Account
- B) One-time payment
- C) Recurring Payment
- D) Free Trial
- (e) Paid Trial
- E) Variable Payment Plan
- 7 Pricing Tables
- 2 Sign-up types
- My account
- User Setting
- User Social Profile
- Privacy settings for users
- User Change Password
- User All Post
- User Post User Post Fields
- User Insert Post
- User Edit Post
- Subscription upgrade
- Subscription downgrade
- Subscription Cancel
- Coupon for Sign-up
- Coupon by Package
- Set Coupon limit
- Set Coupon expire date
- The creation of User Roles by the Package
- Templates that override templates
- Page Redirect
- The User's Public Profile page redirect to
- Users My Account Redirect Page
- The User Registration Page redirects to the Redirect
- Page Setting
- 11 Email Templates
- Template for User Welcome Email
- User Forgot Password Email Template
- User Template for Order Email
- Template for an Admin Order Email
- Contact template for Listings.
- Template for Listing Contact Emails for the CC Admin [Admin SettingTemplate for Listing Contacts [Admin Setting
- Claim Email template
- Template for Deal or Coupon Emails Seller Owner + Buyer
- The Subscription Reminder email template
- 2 User's Public Profile
- Payment History
- Report
- 3D Pic charts
- Line Chart
- Users Public Profile Redirect
- Hide Admin Bar
- Two types of User Directories
- There are many different settings..
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of Hospital & Doctor Directory NOW!
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