Introducing Stock Market & Forex Charts WordPress Plugin
stock market charts for WordPress plugin lets you quickly embed customizable and interactive charts of stocks into the WordPress website.
Plugin features
- Advanced look & feel customization
- Five chart types
- Daily and intraday data
- Asset search and historical performance comparison
- Trading volume graph
- Unlimited number of charts on a single page
- Translation ready
Chart builder
Stock Market charts can be easily modified using the native WordPress administration interface. They can be added to posts or pages by cutting and pasting the shortcode of the chart. There is no need to create or modify manually or modify any HTML or PHP code. No technical knowledge is needed to utilize the plugin.
Supported asset classes
- Equities
- Stock indexes
- Currencies
- Commodities futures
- ETFs
Supported chart types
- Line
- Smoothed Line
- Column
- Step
- Candlestick
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of the Stock Market & Forex Charts WordPress Plugin NOW!