Introducing Houzy - Real Estate WordPress
Responsive real estate theme design for ultimate real estate portal, real estate classifieds, real estate directory, real estate company, real estate network, real estate marketing, estate management, real estate listing websites. Real estate multi-purpose and minimal kit, front-end for real estate property management landing page Real estate User Plugin an admin panel for real estate to allow an agency for real estate for managing real estate brokers and real estate brokers, to list commercial real estate property, with integration for real estate eCommerce to generate leads, book an online newsletter for real estate to advertise a sale, reservation or real estate rental.
Unlimited development features like Realestate dashboard, real estate finder to property search, real estate gallery, real estate blog, real estate google map, real estate search, real estate video tour, real estate full screen, real estate rtl, a mobile template to showcase real estate single property designs for real estate construction, real estate developer, real estate group investment business.
Create a luxury real estate website including real estate-related jobs and real estate office details apartments managers and residential and commercial builders, holiday rentals, and agents who sell or rent the house, apartment, and farmhouse. Along with row house and much more...
DESIGN Themes Core Features PLUGIN
A simple WordPress Plugin that was designed to integrate the main functions of Designthemes. Version 1.0 is available. This Plugin integrates into the themes developed by Designthemes. This Plugin is a collection of all shortcodes and custom post types developed by Designthemes. It works with Elementor and various APIs from third parties. This means that creating layout and pages is much easier by using this Plugin.
If you'd like to use the demo content included in Houzy theme, you can transfer the demo content using just one click via Unyson Importer. Unyson Importer. It will save you time, and your site will appear exactly like the demo page.
CONTACT Formula 7
Contact Form 7 is a cost-free and well-known WordPress plugin that the theme can integrate to create an online contact form on your site. Houzy theme Houzy theme is completely capable of working with Contact Form 7 plugin. One of the essential features is To alter the default template form for the Contact Form 7 plugin or design your contact form with an editor for forms.
In addition, when you run a site, it is possible that various forms that need to be configured from the time when you need to. Contact form 7 will make the task easy of work for you.
WooCommerce WooCommerce is an easily-customizable eCommerce platform that allows you to create online marketplaces for selling products. Houzy is a theme that Houzy theme fully integrates with the WooCommerce plugin, which means that you can sell your food products directly on your site.
Currently, online purchases are the most effective way to boost revenue and keep your website feasible. In particular, WooCommerce was created with the sole purpose of making the best sales through online purchases. You can begin selling food products on the internet in no time when you've set up the website.
Another important aspect is that the WooCommerce Plugin would enable you to accept payments in various currencies from the moment your site is set up! The theme is also compatible with the more advanced WooCommerce plugin, the YITH WooCommerce Wishlist.
Notice: Images used in the demo aren't available for download, and the images are copyrighted. If you intend to use the images, we will provide links to purchase the licenses.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of the Houzy - Real Estate WordPress NOW!
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