Upload any document of any size in the item, cart, checkout, thank you, or dictate details! Publish pictures, include extra expenses, fees, and a lot more choices!
To get automatic updates only configure and install the Envato updater plugin: https://goo.gl/pkJS33 .The official guide which describes how to configure it is available from the following link: https://envato.com/market-plugin.
The client will have the ability to upload one or more documents in the item page, Order Detail page, or through the Checkout procedure according to the bought items...done with visual progress bars! Each of the uploads will be bounded into the purchase and to certain merchandise
Shop admin will probably locate these uploads right on the backend purchase detail webpage or within an optional attribute they may be delivered to the store admin email address.
Notice: The plugin supports only indigenous WooCommerce product forms (easy and changeable ), it does not have some support for custom merchandise types employed by 3rd paty plugins.
Notice: The plugin, such as WordPress, necessitates a minimal 5.6 PHP version.
It is very easy! To configure a fresh upload area visit the Upload documents Configurator menu and then include a brand new Upload field.
Once established, the admin has only to configure where page the area needs to be exhibited (Product, Cart, Checkout, Order information ) and configure its"visibility" based on the filtering criteria (enabled/disabled for certain products, groups, or for each thing ).
This can create 1 upload area for each fitting product (and also for each version based on some constraints in the event of Product webpage ) exhibited in the chosen pages!
Furthermore, to get a more deep personalization, can also be possible to define a few other choices such as:
- Field name
- HTML/CSS description
- HTML/CSS text revealed after the upload has been finished (it is also possible to utilize some specific shortcodes to show file listing using image/audio preview)
- Maximum uploadable file size
- Maximum and min graphics width, height and DPI (functions only if uploaded files are jpg/png. DPI information is read from picture EXIF. When it's not legitimate EXIF information the upload will not be allowed )
- Enabled file types
- email notifications
- Allow multiple files upload each single area
- ...and a lot more!
Click on the below link to download the NULLED version of WooCommerce Upload Files NOW!
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