Introducing Elite Admin Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template
Eliteadmin Premium admin dashboard template has a flat design. This template is fully responsive and can be used with Bootstrap 4 Framework HTML5 CSS3 Media query. It integrates with the most recent jQuery plugins and has a large collection of reusable UI elements. It can create custom admin panels, app backends, CMS, and CRM Web applications.
13+ Different Dashboards
20 Different Demos
Wpmenu Demo has a menu similar to WordPress backend, admin, and WordPress menu (New).
Material Design Dashboard Version (New).
Elite Admin – Modern Dashboard (New).
9 Color Skins
Clean and Modern Landing Page (Free $18)
Data Table Export to CSV Excel, PDF, Copy, and Print
PSD Files included (Free $12).
Range Slider
Combining light and dark colors
Sidebar Themes: Light and Dark
2000+ pages
500+ Ui components
RTL Supports Many Widgets
Bootstrap 3x
Icons for 3000+ Fonts
Fully responsive pages
Less base CSS
It's easy to customize
Numerous Chart Options
Multi-file upload
Many Table Examples
Validation forms
Many plugins are already available.
-Main Menu- Dashboard 4
- Minimalist
- Demographical
- Analytical
- Simpler
- Applications
- Chat App (New)
- Mailbox
- Detail of your Inbox
- Send mail
- Contact / Employee Listing (New).
- Contact / Employee Listing Variation (New).
- Contact/Employee Details (New).
- Eliteadmin
- Inverse Eliteadmin
- Hospital Administration
- CRM Administration
- University Administration
- Music Administration
- Real Estate Administration
- Colors
- Wpmenu
- Ecommerce
- Modern
- Basic PHP
- Material Design
- Dark
- Mini Sidebar
- Horizontal Boxed Navigation
- Horizontal Full Navigation
- Iconbar
- RTL Eliteadmin
- RTL = Radio Transmitter
- UI Elements 13
- Buttons
- Alert!
- Typography
- Grid
- Tabs
- Stylish Tabs (New).
- New User Cards
- Modals
- Progress Bars
- Notifications
- Carousel
- List & Media object (New).
- Timeline
- Horizontal Timeline (New).
- Nestable
- Range Slider (New).
- Bootstrap UI
- Stylish Tooltip (New).
- Formulas
- Basic Forms
- Layout of Forms
- Add-ons
- Material for Forms
- Form with Float input (New).
- Upload
- Form Mask
- Validation of Form
- Dropzone
- Form-pickers
- Image cropping (New).
- Form-wizards
- Typehead (New).
- X-editable
- Summernote (New).
- Bootstrap wysihtml5
- Tinymce wysihtml5
-Proffessional- Sample Pages 15
- Starter Page (New).
- Blank Page
- Lightbox Popup (New).
- Email template (New).
- Basic (New).
- Alert (New)
- Reset Password (New).
- Billing (New).
- Treeview (New).
- Search Result (New).
- Utility Classes (New).
- Custom Scroll (New).
- Login Page
- Login page v2 - New
- Animations (New).
- Profil
- Invoice
- Gallery
- Pricing
- Register
- Register V2 (New).
- 3 Step Registration (New).
- Recover your Password
- Lock Screen
- Error 400
- Error 403
- Error 404
- Error 500
- Error 503
- Charts
- Flot Charts
- Morris Chart
- Chart-js
- Peity charts
- Sparkline charts
- Knob charts (New).
- Additional Charts
- Tables 7
- Basic Tables
- Table layouts (New).
- Data Table
- Bootstrap tables
- Responsive tables
- Tables Editable
- FooTables
- JsGrid Tables
- Widgets
- Icons
- Font amazing
- Themify Icons
- Simple line icons
- Linea Icons
- Weather Icons
- Google Map
- Vector map
- Calendar
- Dropdown Multi-Level
- Second Level Item
- Second Level Item
- Third Level
- Item of the Third Level
- Item of the Third Level
- Third Level Item
- Third Level Item
- Log in
-Support- Documentation
- Gallery
- FAQs
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of Elite Admin Multipurpose Bootstrap 4 Dashboard Template NOW!
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