What is Arclab Dir2HTML?
Arclab Dir2HTML is a basic program that allows you to search directories and files on your computer to create sitemaps and technical documentation.
It can create at least one HTML index and supports large folder structures. It also allows users to modify the formatting settings.
Arclab Dir2HTML is described as an index-to-directory HTML index conversion tool that produces the HTML index file for directories and the files stored on your hard disk. Dir2HTML supports recursive indexing, and it can create sub-sections to each subfolder in the index file and link files to offline and online projects by using a customized link prefix.
Index Files and Folders and subfolders
In the beginning, you need to select the directory you want to process. You should then specify whether you wish to include subfolders or if your program contains subfolders.
You may decide to index all the files in the directory or exclude them based on their name, format, and storage place.
Arclab Dir2HTML lets you modify the layout of your preference for a custom index file. You can change the size of your index and the alignment and column order cell width and decide whether headers for summaries and columns can be included within the.
Create hyperlinks and modify the format
You can choose to add hyperlinks to each processed file which allows access to them through the HTML index.
Additionally, you can modify the file names to upper or lower case, and then you can add an address on the upper left of the document and provide the URL with a unique identifier.
Arclab Dir2HTML can insert CSS code inside a web page's header and export the code as a separate CSS file. You can also alter various style options like the font type and color; the link hovers color, the folder, and the table lines that are to be displayed.
An easy interface however, it's not accompanied by documents
The program is simple to use due to its attractive interface. All options for personalization are displayed in the primary window.
It is helpful to have more detailed information available since some users may have trouble understanding the program's more advanced functions for personalization.
In the end, Arclab Dir2HTML is an easy-to-use tool that can help users locate files and folders. It also provides a variety of output options and a range of options for customizing.
Arclab Dir2HTML Great Features:
- Indexing folders and files are used to keep technical documents.
- Make lists of the files to be saved
- Create HTML sitemaps
- Create a custom link suffix to distribute files
- Multiple output possibilities (single or multi-file)
- Highly customizable
- Indexing large structures and the size of huge files
- HTML5 output is compatible with CSS and UTF-8.
- Software developed to work with Windows PC and Server
Make an HTML index file to an entire directory
Convert file structure and folders into HTML files with only several clicks. Dir2HTML produces an index to directories used to distribute files, sitemaps of files, file lists technical documents, and many other documents. The index can be customizable and used to serve a variety of purposes.
Convert a directory into a single HTML file
Dir2HTML provides a variety of output options for output. The default setting generates the index in the format of one HTML file, making index uploading straightforward to maintain.
Create sub-sections to house subfolders
Sub-sections occur created when the program adds each section of sub-folders. Each (sub) directory includes an entry and the file list. Each sub-folder contains an entry point and is connected to the top folder so that users can navigate through the sub-folders.
Convert the directory into multiple HTML files
Dir2HTML offers an alternative model that generates an index file for every (sub) directory. These indexes can also be connected to the directory at the top for easy navigation. This is an excellent option if the index contains multiple files, and it can also help reduce in size of the index files.
Indicate which files you would like to index.
You can use all files or just specific files. The program lets you apply different filters using the extension (e.g..html, .jpg) or the name of the file (e.g., DSC)
Remove files or folders.
The directory might contain files that are not supposed to be included in the file list. Dir2HTML lets you exclude files or folders by their name. System and hidden files (for example, the desktop.ini files) are not part of this index by default.
Sort files and folders
The folders and files can be capable of being separated according to name, date, or size by ascending or in decremental order.
Flexible table layout (column order)
The table comprises four columns, including Format Date, Size, and Custom. The layout can be adjusted, allows you to change the columns' order depending on the task you're working on.
Flexible width and alignment, and length
The table's alignment and the width of each column can be changed in the project's setting.
Add "Date" and "Size" columns.
The "Size" column contains the size of the file. "Size" columns contain the size of the files "Size" column contains the dimensions that the files are, and the "Date" columns include the date on which the file was uploaded "Date" column contains the date the file was uploaded. Size and date are displayed or hidden.
Add the dimensions of the folder to the total size
The dimensions of the file and the size of all files contained within it can be shown or hidden. This feature summarizes the size of the folder below in the sections containing indexes.
Add a custom description column.
A distinct (description) field can be added to your index that allows you to add a customized description to each file.
Title and Content-Type of HTML pages as well as
Enter your HTML Page Title for an HTML file or the file's content type in the description section of your custom.
Files in uppercase or lowercase and hyperlinks
Names for files can be changed into upper or lowercase letters and appear to be a uniform design.
Convert links that contain spaces to percent20
Links that contain spaces may be converted to %20 to avoid problems with the older browser versions.
This creates an HTML5 file using UTF-8.
Dir2HTML creates HTML5 compliant output files using utf-8 encoding.
It works with all languages and characters.
The program was developed using Unicode, which is built to work with all characters and languages.
Remove or add subfolders (recursion)
Recursion can be used to add subfolders that are linked to the index.
The most significant structures are searched in a single click
The program is very robust and can handle huge directories. It does not matter if the directory comprises 10 or 1000 files.
Dir2HTML using command line or Windows Scheduler. Dir2HTML through the command line or Windows Scheduler
Use the command-line parameter/runsilent; you can run your program in a quiet mode without the user interface.
Make an HTML sitemap.
Dir2HTML could be employed to assist in making HTML sitemaps.
Text that is customized
The contents of the index can be changed, e.g. "main title" or "main title" or the "folder-up" text. This feature lets you make an inventory of files in any language.
Click on the below link to download Arclab Dir2HTML Portable Edition NOW!
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