Introducing Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons
WooCommerce Bulk Edit Productshelps efficiently use bulk items. Notably, the plugin offers sufficient simple and advanced tools to help filter various available attributes of simple and variable products such as ID, Title, Content, Excerpt, Slugs, SKU, Post date, range of regular price and sale price, Sale date, range of stock quantity, Product type, Categories... Therefore, users can quickly search for wanted product fields and work with them in Bulk. The plugin will help shop owners save time and improve their manipulating items in Bulk.
THE PLUGIN Features:
Filter the items to be Bulk Edited.
Tools can be used to sort products you would like to modify in the Bulk. The plugin comes with filters that cover all aspects of a product, like ID Title, Content Excerpt, Slug and Range of Post Date Price, Range of price Date of sale and stock quantity The range of width, length, height, weight Type of Product and status of the product. It also includes Stock Status featured, Downloadable, Backorders, Sold by the individual Author, visibility of Catalog Categories, Tags, and attributes.
- ID Filter the selection of products by the product's ID or separate IDs using commas.
- Title: This permits you to search for a product by the title of the product that is exact but does not include the beginning, end, or empty content.
- Excerpt The ability to filter an item by using the excerpt, which can be precise, such as, but does not contain, begin the end or begin content.
- Slug: This permits you to filter out a product by the slug of the product that can be precise; for example it does not contain, start, stop, or empty content.
- SKU: This permits you to filter products using the SKU for the product. It is exact, as it does not contain, start the end or stop content.
- Date of posting: You can sort products by the date of posting.
- The regular price is: you can filter products with a range of price ranges.
- Price of sale: You can sort products within a range of sale prices.
- Date of sale: The option to sort products by the date of sale.
- Quantity of stock: You can sort products within a range of stocks.
- Width: You can filter items in a variety of widths.
- The Heigh feature lets you sort items in a range of heights
- Length The products can be filtered by length.
- The weight can be used to search for items by weight.
- Type of product: Sort products by type, including simple, variable, external/affiliated and grouped.
- Status of the product: Sort products by status: Draft public, private, pending.
- Stock Status Filter products by what their status is, such as Out of Stock, In Stock Of Stock, or on Backorder.
- They were featured: Filter items with a featured either yes or no.
- Downloadable filter products.
- Sold in a single package: Filter items which can be sold as a set.
- Backorders: Filter items that may be back ordered Do not permit or allow; however, inform the customers; allow.
- Author Filter products that are based on the writer.
- Catalog visibility: Sort products based upon catalog visibility Search results and Shop Only Shop search results, hidden.
- Tags: You may choose different tags for your products or to filter items.
- Products attributes: In case you've set up global attributes in the WooCommerce Attributes settings they will be displayed when you set this option. In addition you can utilize global attributes of your product to filter products that you can edit. After selecting the attribute you want to edit, you can select the desired Attribute Values to further filter.
Filter fields that can be edited in Bulk.
Selecting one or more of the fields in your product to work and interact with is easy. Notably, this allows you to sort relevant fields you want to explore and view items and tables quickly and efficiently. Fields that can be chosen include Image SKU, Slug description, short descriptions Gallery Attributes, Grouped Button URL, Product URL Status, Password Highlighted, Regular price Price of sale, Sale date beginning, sale date manage stocks, stock, stock status, Backorders and individual sales virtual, categories Tags, Width Height length, weight, Cross-sell, Upsell, Downloadable purchase note, menu order, enabling reviews, catalog visibility Shipping class. You can leave it empty if you have to filter all fields.
Filter blocks fields that can be edited in Bulk.
If you are looking to filter all fields of your product however, some fields must be excluded, then you can choose one field or a few fields to accomplish this.
The fields can be selected to block: Images SKU Description, Slug, Description Gallery, Short Desc Attributes, Grouped Button URL, Product URL Status, Password Special price, Regular price, sale price, date of sale from Date of Sale Manage stocks, stock, Stock status, Backorders and individual sales, Virtual Categories, Tags Width and Length. Weight, Cross-sell, Upsell Downloadable, Purchase note menu order, enabling reviews, catalog visibility Shipping class.
Modify WooCommerce products In Bulk.
You can edit/update Bulk property information for your product. You can also learn how to modify these properties in our manual.
- Product Title
- Type of product
- Image
- Slug
- Description
- Short desc
- Gallery
- Attributes
- Default attributes
- Grouped
- Product URL
- Text in the Button
- Status
- Password
- Features
- Regular price
- Sale price
- Sale date
- Manage your stock
- Stock
- Status of stock
- All backorder
- Sold as a set
- Virtual
- Categories
- Tags
- Weight
- Length
- Width
- Height
- Upsells
- Cross-sells
- Downloadable
- Download_file
- Download_limit
- Download_expiry
- Purchase note
- Menu Order
- Allow reviews
- Catalog visibility
- Shipping class
Manipulations of the table of product or cells.
- Select objects: Entire table; Columns; Rows,
- Undo update.
- Right-click to modify objects.
- Copy Paste
- Choose a range
- Make edits to other cells by draggin the handle for fill
- Eliminate specific objects
- Order ascending
- Order descending.
- Find and replace.
Other notable features:
- The Search tool will help you find fields you want to edit. However, it is possible to quickly reduce time searching for fields you wish to edit.
- Load Variations option.
- You can filter orders using ID, Title or regular price, sale price, and SKU. Additionally you can filter your orders by a variety of fields.
- Save filter after reloading the page. Mainly the save filter button allows you to save all your settings so that the chosen options will be preserved even after loading the site.
- Bulk Edit Custom Meta fields created by third-party plugins.
- The history of the edits will be recorded.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of Bulky - WooCommerce Bulk Edit Products, Orders, Coupons NOW!
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