Introducing WHMpress WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin
WHMpress makes it easy to import your WHMCS Domains, Products, and Prices into WordPress. You can also display them in various ways, including price lists, package comparison tables, and order buttons. To complete their order, clients will be directed to your WHMCS. You can also buy our separate 'Client Area' add-on to your WordPress site to keep clients coming back.
ShortCode Examples for Live WHMCS WordPress Integration
WHMpress was designed for web hosts who value flexibility. It can be customized to match your existing website design. You can switch between WordPress and WHMCS easily to adjust price and package changes. WHMpress is the best choice to ensure your peace of mind.
WHMpress was designed with flexibility in mind for web hosts. It can be easily customized to match your existing website design.
Professional plugin for Webhosting professionals
WHMpress retrieves your domain names, prices, order links, and domain lists from the WHMCS. It also displays fancy pricing tables, order buttons, and domain price tables. You can insert these components anywhere you like in your WordPress Webhosting website by using shortcodes.
WHMpress sync pulls data directly from your WHMCS into your WordPress database. This allows you to quickly apply any changes made in WHMCS to your WordPress site with simple sync – no need to input the data twice. This makes data display super-quick.
This website was built from scratch by a Webhosting company that is passionate about WHMCS. WHMpress is the final stop for all your WordPress and WHMCS needs. It also includes a fully-loaded WHMCS Bridged website and an Integrated website that gives you more options for displaying your Webhosting services.
Top 7 WHMpress Features
1. MultiCurrency
WHMpress offers multi-currency pricing, let your end-user select the currency from within the WP site while browsing the website. (not while placing the order) [ Video ]
2. Shortcodes Templates (Skins)
WHMpress allows you to change the face of all shortcodes offers. This is very useful when you plan to match complex pricing tables with your existing WP themes. More than 10 Pricing table templates/ layouts are included + Plus many more matching with famous themes. You can add as many as you may like[ Demo ]
3. Cache
WHMpress caches your prices, domains lists, and everything else needed into WordPress, so it does not have to fetch it from WHMCS every time, giving you ultimate performance.
4. Auto Calculated Discounts
WHMpress isn’t just for replicating pricing from WHMCS. Its WP WHMCS integration goes one step further by calculating discounts you are offering on multi-year pricing and showing right into pricing tables and order links. Showing visitors how much they will save is a proven way to increase sales [ Demo ]
5. Matching Pricing tables (and other components) for Famous Hosting Themes
WHMpress offers matching components for the most widely used themes. What does means? When you place a pricing table in Avada, WHMpress will fetch prices from WHMCS and output it as an Avada matching Pricing Table [ Video ] . You do not have to play with CSS to match your theme's pricing table and other components. Matching components are being offered for the following themes.
If matching components for your theme are not available yet, send us a request here, we will make matching shortcode templates add them in the next update.
6. Extremely flexible Ajax Domain Search
Ajax domain search with a lot of options to play, right inside your WP. Search and home page but show results on your domain page. [ Video ]
7. Multilingual Package Name & Details
Override Package/Service Name/ Details according to language.
And a whole list of features that you will not find with any other WP-WHMCS bridge or WP-WHMCS Integration solution. … scroll down for more.
Ajax Domain Search
Ajax based domain search fully integrated with WHMCS
Over 540+ whois servers and growing with an easy interface to add more whois servers.
- Supports New Domains
- Support all castles (with or without whois server)
- Multiple instances supported Do not limit the domain search to one page only; put the search box on the top bar, slider, or home page and redirect the results to your domain page.
- 540+ Domains supported
- Display suggested domains through Ajax (watch the demo here)
- Bulk search option
- 4 different Shortcodes to suit your specific needs.
- Separate shortcodes for domain search and display results for ultimate flexibility.
Fully Customize your Messages for
- Customize domain not available message
- Customize domain available message
- Custom text for “domain search button
- Customize place holder for the domain search box
- Customize domain not available message for ongoing suggestions
- Change no of suggestions to show in each refresh through Ajax
- Option to show your top-selling TLDs at top
Multilingual (WPML Compatible)
WHMpress is now multilingual ready and supports WordPress standard translation method using .po/.mo files. All strings are ready for translation for both backend and frontend. Currently available translations:
- Arabic
- Danish
- Dutch
- French
- German
- Romanian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of WHMpress WHMCS WordPress Integration Plugin NOW!
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