Introducing MightyWeb Webview - Web to App Convertor(Flutter + Admin Panel)
Flutter is an open-source mobile app development SDK that Google developed. It's used for developing apps designed for Android and iOS. In addition, being the principal method for developing applications to work with Google Fuchsia, Flutter widgets integrate all the critical differences between platforms, including navigation, scrolling icons, and fonts, to offer the whole native experience on iOS in addition to Android.
MightyWeb app can be used to convert your website into an Application Mobile. With the backend admin panel, you can configure your application configuration and not have to update your application.
- Make your app in only a few minutes without coding skills.
- Convert your responsive site to mobile applications.
- Powerful and fast web engine
- Develop your Android and ios apps using the same codebase.
App Features:
- Promote With In-App Message
Add to the app experience by contacting the entire app's audience via unique messages in-app.
- Flexible Splash Screen
Optimize your app's load time with an easily adjustable background and color of Your Splash Screen in a few clicks.
- Push Notification
A push notification can be an effective marketing tool with many benefits, including a high rate of opt-in, low unsubscription rates, and multiple usage instances.
- Gradient Color Support
Utilize bright, luminous colors and attractive solid and gradient colors for your design using Mighty Web's color palettes.
- Side Drawer Menu
You can now benefit from Dynamic Drawer Menus within your app development project. You can easily add menu items to your drawer for navigation.
- Top Navigation Style
Mighty Web – Mighty Web lets you dynamically set the navigation at the bottom. This could contain identical badges.
- style App Bar and navigation icons
Do not get stuck at the top of your screen. Now create an app bar that is as large that you like. Make your app bar by using the power of the Web.
- Loader Style
The rest of the site's content is loading. Mighty Web offers a creative loader style that lets your visitors stay on their toes.
- Theme Style
The Mighty Web holds attractive options of Theme styles you can use on your mobile application to make your app.
- Support for any site
Mighty Web - Mighty Web has interactive app demonstrations that showcase your product's capabilities clearly and compellingly to keep your customers engaged.
- Language Support in Multiple Language Support
Mighty Web Mighty Web empowers you with the ability to support multiple languages so that you can create your localized application in no time.
- Admob Integration
It is possible to monetize your app using Admob. Banner ads should be placed at the bottom of the page and full-screen ads at the beginning of the application. It is possible to disable them on the app's configuration page.
- Html5 Game Play Support
The MightyWeb application is compatible with HTML5 games, and you can play the game within the application.
- Media Support
MightyWeb supports video. MightyWeb can support video (Youtube vimeo, YouTube, HTML5 videos, etc.), audio(.mp3, .wav, etc.), as well as all formats of images and animated images (.gif).
- Download/Upload of Files
- MightyWeb allows users the uploading and download files.
- User-Agents
Mighty Web – Mighty Web follows the industry standard for device identification, which your application can also employ.
- Dynamic TabBar that has style and Support
If you have Mighty Web, You can modify your TabBar in various styles.
- Multi WalkThrough(onboard) The support
Then, with Mighty Web, You can choose from three distinct onboard designs
- Communication Support
- RTL Support
- Modes Dark and Light
- GPS Support
- A Floating Action Button that has Menu Style Support
- Social Media Share
- Deeplink Support
- Without PHP Support
Administration Features:
- Admin Dashboard
- App Configuration
- Admob Configuration
- Set the Progressbar Style
- Set Theme Style
- Set the TabBar Configuration TabBar Configuration
- Set the Bottom Navigation Configuration
- Set Header Icons for navigation and set style
- Configuration of push notifications for Onesignal
- Send push notifications
- Create About Us app content
- Set the Splash Configuration
- Set WalkThrough Configuration
- Configure Floating Avtion Button Set
- Updated JSON release
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of MightyWeb Webview - Web to App Convertor(Flutter + Admin Panel) NOW!
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