Introducing Belloo - Complete Premium Dating Software
Belloo is a Complete dating application that comes with excellent already-in-the-box functionality. It's a completely Ajax script that provides a quick reaction to any action made by the script. It lets users chat and continues browsing the site during the video call.
I want to stress that there aren't any dating sites with integrated video calling capabilities like ours that let you make video calls without spending considerable money using third-party services like Twilio.
Belloo comes with all the features a compelling dating program needs for success.
The script is built using basic PHP, making it easy to modify the code.
Make it custom to meet your requirements, or call us to discuss individual customizations.
Software Features
- It supports UNLIMITED languages, with edibles accessible through the admin panel.
- Entirely Ajax links make the script as quickly as a Ferrari
- Unique designs, unique themes
- Unique mobile site app style
- WorldWorld users for no cost!!
- Full fake user system
- Intelligent email notification
- Smart web notifications
- 100% geolocation based
- 3 advertise slots
- SEO-ready
- Credit system
- Basic and VIP account system
- Story and Premium Stories systems
- Multiplatform WEBRTC video-calling
- Amazon AWS S3 integration
- PayPal Integration
- PayPal Integration to accepting payments via SMS across the world.
- Fortumo Integration to take SMS payments WORLDWWORLDWIDEight feature
- Realtime Multiplatform Chat
- Multiplatform real-time in-app notification for visits, likes, messages
- Frameworks are not required, just pure code, easy to edit
- Plus, there's More...
Administration Features
- Free credits for new users.
Include a premium account bonus within days for users who are new to the service.
- Advanced statistics for site and user (User registered, Active Users, Users Total an online number of photos, and Total video calls).
- Change the logo, the title of the site website name, description, keywords, and the default site language.
- Edit the gift prices, credit packs, and premium account plans.
- It allows you to handle registered users' details, make edits to their information, and remove users.
- It allows you to edit or review the 48 languages in the script.
- Make edits to the first ad space and the one on the right side. If you don't want to display ads, simply leave them empty.
- It lets you manage the images of users.
- Change privacy and terms online.
- Create custom CSS/JS (google analytics, etc.) via the admin panel.
- Map of the site and robots.txt auto-generator
Fake users Feature
- Optional you can turn off or disable this service.
- World-Worldwide from 80 countries
- Select the country where you wish for the user to be generated.
- Random online system
- Random visits to real-life users. It also sends notifications via email/push (like regular behavior)
- Random likes for real users. It also sends notifications via email or SMS (like regular behavior)
- Artificial Intelligence for automated responses (only if a fake user is identified as online). This feature can also send notifications via email or SMS (like normal behavior)
- Manually reply as a fake user via the administrator panel (only when the fake user appears online). This feature also sends notifications via email or SMS (like normal behavior)
- The ability to turn any genuine user into fake users, with all the features of fake users
Chat Features
- Chatting in real-time with Pusher
- Web notifications and, if you decline access to the site notification
- Multiplatform "is typing.." feature available (first script to include this feature)
- Have you read the message? If not, do does not appear
- If a new conversation only lasts for two messages, oblige to wait for an answer (like Badoo)
- Multiplatform support Videochat is high-quality, comparable to facebook and skype with a peer-to-peer connection.
- Support emoji
- Private photo of Support in chat user-to-user
- Smart chat using bubbleheads
- New messages are automatically notified of title changes
- Delete conversation
- Virtual gifts
- Sound of notification on message with a new message
- In-chat sounds on messages (like WhatsApp)
- Notification via email if a user is offline
Users Features
- Activate/desactivate notifications
- The intelligent search engine, the script to remember every modification to the filter.
- Recover password
- Connect to Facebook directly
- Connect to Facebook directly
- Connect to Google directly
- Connect to Twitter directly
- Connect to Instagram directly
- Find a game that you like or play just like a Badoo
- Custom multilanguage profile questions
- System for Matching
- Find out who has visited the profile.
- The history of the likes given to them
- The account should be deleted
- Upload private or public photos
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of Belloo - Complete Premium Dating Software NOW!
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رمز فایل ها : webdevdl.ir
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