Introducing 66toolkit - Ultimate Web Tools System (SAAS)
The 66toolkit is the most powerful web tool PHP script with more than 425 tools to use and included for everyday tasks and developers.
- DNS Lookup tool
- IP Lookup tool
- The Reverse IP Lookup Tool
- SSL Lookup tool
- Whois Lookup tool
- Ping tool
- HTTP headers search tool
- Safe URL checker tool
- Google cache checker tool
- URL redirect checker tool
- Tool to check the strength of your password
- Meta tags checker tool
- Website hosting checker tool
- File mime type checker tool
- Gravatar checker tool
- Tool for separating text
- Tool to extract emails
- URL extractor tool
- Text size tool for calculating text size
- Duplicate lines remover tool
- Text to Speech tool
- IDN Punnycode converter tool
- Case converter tool
- Character counter tool
- List randomizer tool
- Reverse words tool
- Tool for reverse letters
- Emojis remover tool
- Reverse list tool
- List alphabetizer tool
- Tool for creating upside-down text
- Old English text Generator tool
- Cursive text generator tool
- Tool to encode Base64 data
- Base64 decoder tool
- Tool for converting images to Base64
- The Image Tool for Base64
- Tool to encode URLs
- URL decoder tool
- Color converter tool
- Tool for converting binary files
- Hex converter tool
- Ascii converter tool
- Decimal converter tool
- Octal converter tool
- Morse converter tool
- Tool for converting words to numbers
- PayPal link generator tool
- Signature generator tool
- Tool to generate a link for mailto
- UTM link generator tool
- WhatsApp link Generator tool
- YouTube Timestamp link Generator tool
- Slug generator tool
- Lorem Ipsum Generator Tool
- Tool to generate passwords
- Random number generator tool
- UUID Generator tool for v4.
- Bcrypt generator tool
- MD2 Generator tool
- MD4 Generator Tool
- MD5 Generator Tool
- Whirlpool generator tool
- Generator tool for SHA-1
- Generator tool SHA-224
- Generator tool for SHA-256
- Generator tool for SHA-384
- Generator tool for SHA-512
- Generator tool for SHA-512/224
- Generator tool for SHA-512/256
- Generator tool SHA-3/224
- Generator tool for SHA-3/256
- Generator tool for SHA-3/384
- Generator tool for SHA-3/512
- HTML minified tool
- CSS minifier tool
- JS minifier tool
- JSON validator & beautifier tool
- SQL formatter/beautifier tool
- HTML entity conversion tool
- BBCode converts HTML tools
- The Markdown tool can be converted to an HTML tool
- HTML tags removal tool
- User-agent parser tool
- Tool to parse URLs
- Tool to convert PNGs into JPGs
- Tool to convert PNG images into WEBP
- BMP tool converts PNG images to BMP tool
- Tool to convert PNG images into GIF
- The PNG tool can be converted into an ICO tool
- JPG tool to PNG
- The tool JPG-to-WEBP converts images
- JPG convert to GIF tool
- JPG convert to ICO tool
- JPG tool to BMP tool
- JPG tool. JPG tool
- WeBP converts to a GIF tool
- The tool WEBP to PNG
- WEBP tool to BMP tool
- WEBP is now an ICO tool
- BMP tool converts JPG to BMP
- Tool to convert BMP into GIF tool
- The tool converts BMP images to PNG
- BMP tool to WEBP
- BMP converts to an ICO tool
- ICO into JPG tool
- ICO Tool to convert GIF
- ICO converter tool
- ICO to the WEBP tool
- ICO is converted to a BMP tool
- GIF tool to JPG tool
- GIF tool to ICO tool
- The GIF-to-PNG converter tool
- The tool GIF-to-WEBP
- GIF convert to BMP tool
- The tool HEIC to PNG
- The HEIC to GIF tool
- Tool to convert HEIC into JPG tool
- The YouTube thumbnail downloader is a tool to help you download thumbnails from YouTube.
- Image optimizer tool
- Tool for reading QR codes
- Exif reader tool
- Color picker tool
- HEX tool to HEXA tool
- The HEX tool can be converted to an RGB tool
- The HEX tool can be converted to an RGBA tool
- Tool to convert HEX into HSV tool
- HEX converts to HSL tool
- HEX converts to the HSLA tool
- HEXA converts to the HEX tool
- HEXA converts to RGB tool
- HEXA converts to RGBA tool
- HEXA converts to HSV tool
- HEXA converts to the HSL tool
- HEXA converts to the HSLA tool
- Tool to convert RGB to HEX
- RGB into the HEXA tool
- RGB into RGBA tool
- RGB from the HSV tool
- From RGB, you can convert it to an HSL tool
- RGB from the HSLA tool
- RGBA to the HEX tool
- RGBA into the HEXA tool
- RGBA is an RGB tool
- RGBA in HSV tool
- RGBA into the HSL tool
- RGBA into the HSLA tool
- HSV converts to the HEX tool
- HSV converts to the HEXA tool
- The HSV-to-RGB tool
- HSV tool to RGBA tool
- HSV tool to HSL tool
- HSV converts to the HSLA tool
- HSL converts to HEX tool
- HSL converts to the HEXA tool
- HSL tool to RGB tool
- HSL tools to RGBA tool
- HSL tool to HSV tool
- HSL converts to HSLA tool
- HSLA converts to the HEX tool
- HSLA converts to the HEXA tool
- HSLA converts to RGB tool
- HSLA is converted to RGBA tool
- HSLA converts to HSV tool
- HSLA converts to the HSL tool
- Celsius Tool to Fenheit
- Celsius tool to Kelvin tool
- The Fahrenheit-to-Celsius tool
- Fahrenheit to Kelvin tool
- Kelvin and Celsius tool
- Kelvin to Fahrenheit tool
- Tool for converting miles to kilometers
- The tool "Kilometres to Miles."
- Mph-to-Kph tool
- The Kph-Mph converter tool
- Kilograms to Pounds Tool
- Pounds Kilograms tool
- Number tool to Roman Numerals tool
- Roman Numerals to Number tool
- Liters to Gallons (US) tool
- Liters to Gallons (Imperial) tool
- Liters (US) Tool to Liters
- Liters (Imperial) Tool to Liters
- Unix Tools for Timestamps to Date
- Date to the Unix Timestamp tool
- The tool Seconds to Minutes
- Tool Seconds to Hours
- The tool Seconds to Days
- Tool Seconds To Weeks
- The tool Seconds to Months
- The tool Seconds to Years
- The Minutes To Seconds Tool
- The tool Minutes To Hours
- The tool Minutes to Days
- Tool Minutes To Weeks
- Tool for comparing minutes to months
- Tool Minutes To Years
- Tool Hours to Seconds
- The tool Hours to Minutes
- Tool for comparing hours to days
- Tool for comparing hours to weeks
- Tool for comparing hours to months
- Tool for comparing hours to years
- The Days To Seconds Tool
- Tool for Days To Hours
- The tool Days to hours
- Tool for comparing days to weeks
- The tool Days to Months
- Day to Year tool
- The Weeks to Seconds tool
- The Weeks to Hours tool
- Tool Weeks to Hours
- Tool Weeks to Days
- The Weeks to Months tool
- Tool Weeks to Years
- Months to Seconds is a tool
- The Months-to-Hours Tool
- The Months-to-Hours Tool
- The tool for Months to Days
- Tool for Months and Weeks
- Tool for comparing months to years
- Year to Seconds is a tool
- Year to Hours tool
- Tool for Years to Hours
- Year to Day tool
- Year to Weeks tool
- Year to Months tool
- Bits to Tools X
- Nibbles to Nibbles to
- Tools to convert Bytes into X
- Kilobits to Tools X
- Kibibits to the X tools
- Kilobytes to the X tools
Log in with Facebook or Google/Twitter / Discord to help users sign in to your website quickly.
TWO FACTOR Authentication to assist your users in improving your account's security.
SEO - SEO-friendly Proper URLs and dynamic titles, easily customizable via each language.
SITEMAP The complete sitemap is automatically created for you and can be used immediately.
And many others.
Administrative Features
STRIPE Payments Profit by making one-time, Recurring, or Lifetime payments from your customers for customized plans through Stripe.
PAYPAL Payments Earn cash by charging one-time, Recurring, or lifetime payments to your customers for plans you design using Paypal.
Offline Payments Earn cash by charging offline transactions (ex, through bank transfers or other methods). The most effective method is to be money from your customers if you do not use Paypal and Stripe.
COINBASE CRYPTO PURCHASES Earn cash by charging one-time or lifetime payments to your customers for customized plans using Coinbase.
CRYPTO.com Payments via Crypto.com Earn cash by charging one-time or lifetime payments to your customers for customized plans using Crypto.com.
RAZORPAY Payments Earn cash by charging one-time, Recurring, or Lifetime payments to your customers for customized plans through Razorpay.
PAYU Payments Profit by charging one-time payments to your customers to pay for plans you have designed with PAYU.
PAYSTACK Payments Earn cash by charging one-time, Recurring, or lifetime payments to your customers with Paystack's custom plans.
Mollie Payments Profit by charging one-time, Recurring, or Lifetime payments to your customers to create custom plans through Mollie.
YOOKASSA Payments Profit by billing one-time or lifetime payments to your users for customized plans using yookassa.com.
PAYMENTS ON PADDLE Profit by charging one-time or lifetime payments to your customers to create custom plans through Paddle.com.
DISCOUNT and REDEEMABLE CODES You can create unlimited discounts or redeemable codes through the admin panel for your customers.
Taxes It is easy to create, set up taxes and then attach the tax to paid plan.
INVOICING Configure and create appropriate invoices, including discounts and taxes applied for your customers.
FREE TRIAL PLAN CREDIT Customization Customize precisely what each plan can and cannot do, or altogether disable them.
Unlimited Custom Plan Make custom plans for your customers.
Payments The admin (as the administrator) and your users can access their transactions through the platform.
Multilingual Ready Translating using the admin panel and then running different languages on your site is easy. (Note the content generated by users cannot be translated.)
STATISTICS Find out the activities on your site by looking at our statistics pages.
URGENT - View, create, edit, ban, or remove any user on the platform using the administrator panel.
Multilingual pages - Edit, create, view, or remove any custom page in the platform using the administration panel.
Multilingual Blog Create, view, and edit any blog post or category through the administrator panel.
Settings This page lets you modify your website and make it precisely how you like by editing crucial information and activating or deactivating specific features.
- Deleting the default page of landing and redirecting it to your custom landing page
- Configuration of SMTP
- You can disable or enable the registration system
- Allow or disable email confirmation for users who are new to the site.
- Upload your logo, favicon, or open graph image
- Create your payment and business settings
- Set up your social media accounts
- Create your custom CSS as well as JavaScript code
- Create your ad codes that display advertisements to your customers
- Send out announcements to users at a glance
- Configure & choose your Captcha (Google, captcha, or a simple default one)
- Create email notifications for admins to be notified of certain occasions
- A fully configurable consent for cookies management and implementation
Tools APIs external to the Tools
The following lists programs that utilize an external API to function correctly. Consider that these tools rely upon their External API to work; therefore, if something goes wrong with those APIs, they cease to function.
- Image Optimizer - Free - smush.it API
- Text to speech for free Google API Google API
- Website Hosting Checker - Free - ip-api.com API
- Safe URL checker - No cost Google Safe Browsing API API
Additional terms and privacy terms
These are the additional conditions and privacy policy for the product as well as the terms and conditions already enforced and the privacy policy of Envato Market. Envato Market. When you purchase, download, or usehe product, you aragreeo these additional terms and privacy policy.
- While you are visiting the product demo,, the data you processed will be stored for about 30 days (more or less) before it will be erasedall data, including those you entered yourself while trying out the product.
- The demo is only for demonstration purposes; you'll receive everything you will see in the demo, but not the bar in the demo, the data which is only saved in this demo (users, links..etc.), and other possible custom information that is just there to show the user.
- After installing the software, it will ask you to provide your license number during the actual installation procedure to verify your license's validity.
- Additionally, we keep keys to licenses, the web URL, and the private server IP on our server. This ensures that we can track legal and active software installations and offer proper assistance.
- In the absence of requesting support through the appropriate channels listed under the tab Support or failing to provide evidence of purchase when asking for assistance will result in the support request being denied.
- We keep access logs and track visitors to our demo for reasons of security and statistics and also to track the usage of necessary cookies. All of this information is deleted automatically per 30 days (give the option of taking). When you access our demonstration, you agree with these conditions.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of 66toolkit - Ultimate Web Tools System (SAAS) NOW!
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رمز فایل ها : webdevdl.ir
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