Introducing The Parallaxer WP Parallax Effects on Content
Parallaxer Pro is the best Parallax blocks plugin for WordPress. You get Visual Composer generation, Shortcode Generator, and many other options!
DZS Parallaxer will amaze your visitors. It can be installed in any template and set up any content in any format.
- iPhone / iPad optimized- This gallery was optimized for Apple touch devices
- Android optimized - This component has been tested with Android 4.0+ Chrome
- SEO friendly - The Testimonial Rotator is search engine optimization designed with SEO in mind. It uses valid, non-hidden HTML markup to build the widget
- Compatible with all major browsers including IE - Compatible from IE9 through IE11+, Chrome Safari, Firefox, and Safari
- Retina ready - Looks great on retina devices
- Shortcode Generator - Generate the shortcode instantly
- Visual composer Integration - Integrate into the most powerful web builder
- Developer / SASS-powered - This component's CSS was built on top SASS, which will make it easy for SASS users to modify the skins. Non-SASS users will have no problems because SASS provides the CSS files.
- New: - Background parallax
Mobile optimized
Hardware acceleration makes mobiles smooth too Android 4.0+ Chrome, iOS tested
To deliver a super smooth experience
All Content
Scroll any content, such as sliders or HTML content
Complex stuff. The structure is shown to the left
The Parallaxer calculates scrolling
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of The Parallaxer WP Parallax Effects on Content NOW!
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