This Google Maps Plugin for WordPress is the most innovative Google Maps plugin ever made. We developed it with invaluable feedback from hundreds of customers.
Also, we provide premium extensions/add-ons of the progress google maps plugin, which implements much desired & plugins that are useful. These add-ons work easily with our principal plugin to make quite helpful output/articles & exhibit it gorgeously on google maps made by the principal plugin. Clients are enjoying it; take a look!
This google maps plugin lets you make google maps shortcodes to show reactive google maps on webpages, widgets, and custom templates. Display custom markers on every google maps and show messages with hyperlinks on a mark click.
Google autosuggest enabled place form can help you make unlimited markers and assign markers into a google map. It is super simple.
- Filter places by custom areas, taxonomies & place data readily. Produce numerous filters utilizing the backend.
- Display articles, custom or pages articles kind on google maps. It's possible to display numerous articles kind on a single google map.
- Assign a place to your article readily with a meta box or your own customized fields. You may use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin to assign a place to your post too.
- Display articles information e.g. name, content, excerpt, comprised picture, classes, tags, custom areas, or custom taxonomies from info window. You have to use placeholders to show those data.
- Display articles listing under the map and reveal posts info from the list. It is possible to customize html readily to incorporate your own layout.
- Display places or places under map from grid or list format. Buyers can change format in hand.
- Insert any range of info in place or mark information and show them in a data window easily. E.g fax, telephone, email, site, etc..
- Publish unlimited place information from CSV. You may import any number of areas from the place. Assign categories to a place using csv. All of CSV delimiters supported.
- Assign multiple categories to some place and permit people to filter by groups.
- Opt to redirect to some place or exhibit infowindow message marker click for both articles or manually additional places.
- A whole listing module to filter, sort, print and innovative search box to filter articles or places by zip, address, town, country, place tile, place name and groups.
- List module is ajax based for quickest search expertise and usability.
- Search articles or places nearby in specific radius. Customize radius configurations at the backend.
- Filter locations/markers by class onto the map. Ability filters into multiple classes at the same time.
- Sort listing by name, speech or class at both ascending and descending sequence.
- Print filtered place list. You may control printing option through backend.
- Placeholders to alter location listing data with no programming.
- Enable or disable lookup form, type filter, print choice, sorting options in the backend.
- List module is pagination supported. It is possible to decide Number of articles or places each page utilizing backend setting.
- Request start location and end location from customer to demonstrate route instructions. Click marker to fill beginning location automatically. Get driving, bicycling, transit or walking route info.
- Visitor may get course instructions in both kilometers and kilometre.
- Display begin place input as textbox or choose box stuffed with your places.
- Display finish place input as textbox or choose box stuffed with your places.
- Ability to exhibit default Start and End place in directions tab.
- Get nearby areas within specific radius with google areas api.
- Screen Circle around conveniences located using google areas api.
- Permit markers clusters in case you've got too many places. Activate and the plugin will manage the rest.
- You're able to apply mark clustering on both articles and places. Marker cluster is going to be upgraded automatically on filtration.
- Choose markers bunch icons and mouseover icons to increase user experience. 10 markers bunch designs can be found
- Pick markers audience grid dimensions and maximum zoom level.
- Create paths from the backend and exhibit them. You may assign a color to each route. Visitor can show/hide paths on front-end utilizing path filter form. It's possible to display numerous paths on a google maps.
- Customize Stroke Color, Stroke Opacity, Stroke Weight, Travel Modes, Unit Systems, Start Location, End Location and way points to make a path.
- Make path draggable and Boost waypoints to indicate the best possible path.
- Assign waypoints to the road. Searchable place listings is included to assign waypoints to the road quickly.
- Admin can draw on numerous circles, rectangles, polygons or polylines and exhibit them on google maps. Shapes are clickable.
- Display an infowindow on click a silhouette.
- Redirect to some place on click a silhouette.
- Delete individual contours or alter property of this shape by choosing on click.
- Draw any variety of contours on the map and then rescue all them together.
- Use your personal coordinates to draw contours.
- Employ awesome Google Maps fashions from snazzymaps.com using an easy copy and paste.
- You may make your own custom designs too for streets, labels or geometry to your google skin.
- Fetch locations from outside information sources e.g custom tables API and assign to map utilizing pins.
- Ability to bring latitude, longitude, city, nation, country and zip code automatically when you type an address in the input area.
- Manage parent-child classes.
- Publish your personal mark to classes or select from +500 readymade markers.
- Ability to hunt within icons listing to find appropriate icons and assign to a class immediately.
- Using placeholders e.g undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, customize the entire body of this infowindow message.
- Screen infowindow on mark click or mouseover.
- Open infowindow if page load or mouseover.
- Change infowindow contents through hook utilizing programming.
- Close infowindow on mark click. It is possible to disable this feature in the backend.
- Apply Bounce Animation on mark click or mouse over.
- Apply Drop Animation on mark when they exhibit on google maps.
- Change zoom level of this map marker click for superior visibility.
- Display multiple KML/KMZ Layers on the map.
- Display many information on the map with fusions table. The very best approach to handle large collections of information.
- Display real-time traffic requirements along with overlays with Traffic Layers.
- Insert bicycle trail information to your own maps with the Bicycling Layer.
- Display physical maps based on terrain info.
- Ability to show many layers collectively on the map.
- Set height, diameter, zoom level, map type, enable/disable scrolling wheel, draggable house and use 45° vision.
- Maps are totally responsive and fix automatically based on apparatus.
- (Optional) Assign center latitude and longitude into the map. By default, center location is automatically calculated according to places delegated to the map.
- Center the map according to visitor's present site.
- Display a circle around the middle place to highlight center location. Set property of this circle.
- Assign numerous places to the map with searchable listings. Listings is paginated if you've got hundreds of places.
- Show/Hide Zoom Control, Full Screen Control, Map Form Control, Scale Control, Street View Control, Overview Map Control and determine the controls' position within the map.
- Hide mark on page load and then display them following filtration.
- Display road perspective of this place. Installation POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to personalize Street View output signal of a place.
- Screen overlays and personalize border color, overlay width, overlay height, font size, border width and edge design.
- Easiest means to restrict panning/dragging so the map remains within certain boundaries using restrict panning settings.
- Screen GEOJSON information using URL readily.
- Display maps at a blend of satellite and normal views.
- Screen Google Maps from sidebars with widget. You can show any number of maps from the sidebar.
- Display categories, instructions, paths, and tabs collectively on a google maps.
- Display place counts with group title. And type groups by number of place delegated.
- Keep backup of places, paths, maps and classes.
- It is possible to assign permissions for your users to oversee where you are, classes, paths and maps.
- Ability to utilize External Database or Resources to include markers on Google Maps with new filter wpgmp_marker_source.
- Insert multiple Google maps onto a webpage. Each map may have particular properties.
- A cross browser compatible plugin. Completely tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 along with all other Significant browsers
- Multilingual Supported using .po documents.
- Multisite Enabled and capacity to trigger it community wide.
Click on the below link to download the NULLED version of Advanced Google Maps Plugin for WordPress NOW!
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Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.7.1.rar (سایز: 4.9 MB - تاریخ: 23/09/1402 02:49:55 ب.ظ)
Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.4.3.rar (سایز: 3.5 MB - تاریخ: 11/10/1401 12:27:18 ب.ظ)
Advanced Google Maps Plugin for Wordpress v5.4.1.rar (سایز: 3.5 MB - تاریخ: 20/09/1401 12:37:18 ب.ظ)
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