What is StudioLine Web Designer?
Studio Line Web Designer can incorporate elements for the layout and the publishing and maintenance of specialist sight into the frequent interface for the user. This includes the web page editor, graphic editor, graphic effect, weight management, template editor, and administration of the website. You can create collages, edit your picture, and then use them together with the effect right from the page editor. They can view the result and the media navigator that links to the user's website resources, the image images, sounds, and then the video bites. The filters and picture tools can be used whenever needed while the user is designing the user's web page. Page templates allow users to place the user design components precisely with the help of a rule supervisor. This process is quick and easy. The shortcuts, as well as the sub-many for user-friendly site navigation, are also available. You can categorize user images using unlimited text and user descriptors. Keywords and ratings can also be used. The process of finding the right images for a team or a specific image is easy.
StudioLine Web Designer: Great Features
These are its features and attributes:
Design element It is easy to align multiple images and text within the designated area of the page using the design element. There are many configuration options available for a Unified presentation. These include the horizontal and vertical alignments, the adjustable spacing process, and margins. Based on the user's rules, the text and image are automatically rapped and oriented. Because the user can control the border, corner shapes, background color, and title colors, The Design element is a great layout tool for navigation of the columns, bars, and entire page.
Unrestricted image shape: The user does not have to use rectangular images. However, the user can control the clickable area by changing the shape of the image. This feature is not available in Studio Line's editor, but it is on the public website. It allows users to create complex collages from overlapping images and does not require them to maintain an image map.
Guides drag the object to the desired place of the user and the site or the center to align the magnetic guides. These guides can be saved to make them available for use on other pages or projects.
Alignment tools All selected objects can be automatically aligned horizontally, vertically, and even equally.
Media Explorer Manage images and graphics on the user's website using the integrated image archive. This allows the user to immediately access the image and make changes automatically sent to affected pages.
Floating Tool Bars: Studio Line's web designer doesn't use the windows mode. It can keep frequently used tools open for as long as the user wants and not have to close them each time the user makes a change. The user can easily alter the appearance of the toolbar by combining different tools and adjusting various settings.
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