What is Afterlogic Aurora Corporate?
Aurora Corporate is a private cloud mixing groupware, record storage, and email from a single unified environment. It includes; Webmail - sterile and contemporary interface. Can work together with your present email address or use its own for your own extensive answer. Business address books - Personal, shared, and international address books, collectively with CardDAV sync. Personal and corporate record storage - Your cloud storage, jointly with DAV sync. Personal and shared calendars - centric jointly with meeting invitations, tasks, and CalDAV sync. Mobile-ready - Mobile layout for net access, iOS profiles for auto-provisioning calendars, and contacts sync via CardDAV and CalDAV. Encryption and security - AES-256 encryption of documents right in the browser, OpenPGP for mails, SSL/TLS. ActiveSync option - Available as a hosted add-on, enables email contacts and calendars sync with mobile devices and Outlook 2013/2016. Outlook connector - Available for Outlook 2010/2013/2016, 32/64 bit. Syncs contacts and calendars between Outlook and Aurora via DAV protocol.
Afterlogic Aurora is a venture collaboration platform for both small and medium-sized little companies.
Aurora provides a collaboration of webmail, calendar, contacts, documents, and helpdesk modules. The machine works via a web interface on both mobile and desktop programs and has applications for smartphones.
Throughout Aurora webmail interface, users can check and send an email, manage IMAP folders, set Sieve email filtering, edit and include signatures, etc.. Business email server involves a multilingual web interface and Outlook aid.
Afterlogic Aurora Corporate Great Features:
Popular technology stack
Aurora includes PHP, supports MySQL/MariaDB, Apache/NGINX/IIS, Linux/Windows. Mail server version comprises Exim, Dovecot, NGINX.
Beyond agency
Integration and custom production solutions in the core group behind the merchandise.
API & Plugins
A set of developer tools permits you to enlarge the program in many ways, such as user interface adjustments, Single-Sign-On, plus even more.
You will find over 30 languages, right-to-left interface providers (for example, Arabic and Hebrew ), and the date and time formats.
Modern minimalistic UX
Nevertheless, glistening, Aurora Corporate supplies a rich set of attributes and attributes with plenty of themes.
More attributes:
- Multiple email accounts for each user.
- Mail threads (with IMAP THREAD service ).
- Mail filters (with Sieve service ).
- Identities with ribbons.
- Notes (compatible with Apple customers ).
- Microsoft file formats viewer.
- Drag-n-drop of attachments to webmail.
- Can open winmail.dat / MS-TNEF and .zip attachments.
- Attachment preview thumbnails.
- Calendars may be categorized as iCal documents, printed on the net, or synced with CalDAV customers.
- Internet admin panel.
- Log in using societal networks (Google, Facebook).
- Google Drive and Dropbox support.
- Import and export of all connections through CSV or VCF files.
- Save email as PDF.
- Nextcloud integration.
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