Introducing DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET MVC
The library includes schedulers and UI components that utilize the light client-side component model of ASP.NET MVC. It also consists of an embedded server-side backend. Compatible together with ASP.NET MVC 3, 4, and 5.
ASP.NET MVC Scheduler
DayPilot ASP.NET MVC Scheduler provides an overview of the timeline of several resources. The size of the cell can be adjusted (1 minute to one week). It supports drag-and-drop AJAX operations (moving or changing size) as well as the hierarchy of resources (treeview) as well as load events dynamically (while scrolling) as well as other advanced features.
ASP.NET MVC Gantt Chart
DayPilot ASP.NET MVC Gantt Chart shows the timeline of an orderly sequence of tasks. It can be used to support hyperlinks (task dependencies), Task groups milestones, Drag and drop mobile devices, and many more. The Gantt chart shows one charge for each row.
ASP.NET MVC Event Calendar
DayPilot ASP.NET MVC Event Calendar is an Outlook-like view of the day and week. Columns are configurable (any number of days or resources). Drag&Drop support is available. AJAX operations (moving or scaling,) and context menus, and a message bar integrated.
ASP.NET MVC Monthly Event Calendar
DayPilot ASP.NET Monthly Event Calendar is an Outlook-like view of the months. Events can be spread across multiple days or be stacked within day cells. Drag and drop support is provided. AJAX operations (moving or changing size) as well as a context menu.
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