This WP plugin protects the content of the post from being copied by any other web site author. You don’t want your content to spread without your permission!
WP Content Copy Protection (Pro)
- Protect your content from being selected and copied.
- No one can right-click on images from your site if you don’t want them to.
- (*NEW) Get full control over Right-Click or context menus.
- Show alert messages, when the user right-clicks on images, text boxes, links, plain text,… etc.
- Disable the keys CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+X, CTRL+S or CTRL+V, or CTRL+U.
- (*NEW) Watermark your images on the fly by htacsess and jquery.
- Admin can exclude Home page or Single posts from being copy protected.
- Admin can disable copy protection for admin users. (If the admin is there you don’t need to protect it.)
- Aggressive image protection (It’s not easy or expert users can’t steal your images !).
- Compatible with all major theme frameworks.
- Compatible with all major browsers.
- You can also choose where this Plugin should work like All Pages (including Home Page and all other Pages and Posts), Home Page, or Custom Pages/Posts using the Settings Page options.
- Multiple Text and Image Protection layers.
- Enable Right Click on hyperlinks or any type of elements added.
- New flat interface.
Protect your Text and Images by Disabling the Mouse Right Click and possible shortcut keys from Cut (CTRL+x), Copy (CTRL+c), Paste (CTRL+v), Select All(CTRL+a), View Source (CTRL+u), etc.
Intelligent Protection Tactics:
The plugin will keep your posts and home page protected with multiple techniques (JavaScript + CSS), These techniques are not found in any other WordPress plugin and you will own it for free with this plugin.
Protect the page from view source code and being shown by anyone.
Some webmasters want to protect their images only and others want to protect their links only.
You may want to protect everything on the page except the links or images.
With the premium options provided, you can have as much of the best and custom protection on your blog as you like.
Right-click protection will do this job for you.
You can control the messages that appear to the visitors when some of them try to view the source of your pages or save your copyrighted images.
Click on the below link to download the NULLED version of WP Content Copy Protection Pro NOW!
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