Introducing WP Online Contract
WordPress Online Contract is the first plugin that lets you create, manage, and store contracts on the internet through WordPress. It's possible to customize contracts with flat text documents and shortcodes and see revisions of your present contracts. Provide your customers a means to look at and register your contracts on the internet in 1 area.
Entirely responsive for any gadget. Send your customers your contract online and provide them the chance to see, sign, save, and print from any location and any other device. Get started quicker and more effectively with WordPress Online Contract.
You made this one-of-a-kind plug with your customer in mind. Use our system to keep and manage your contacts and provide your customers ease of mind expertly. We've employed a horizontal file type system for many years and incorporated our system into a fully loaded plugin that's entirely manageable from WordPress in the click of a button.
This plugin doesn't support multisite or non-primary setups. You may utilize it on subdomains but not subfolders.
- Stripe: Purchase Our Stripe Payment Addon
- PDF Print Integration: Purchase Our PDF Print Integration Addon
Online Documentation: View Online Documentation
- ADDED REQUIRED FIELDS TO CONTRACTS Insert a set of mandatory areas to a contract that the consumer needs to finish before signing. It is possible to place any shortcode area to be required to get a contract before signing.
- ADDED PRINT NAME You can define if you'd like a user to publish their name on a contract until they could sign.
- BETTER UPDATE AND AUTHENTICATION Directly integrated with APIs to authenticate and shop buy codes. Cheaper update performance.
- PHP7 INTEGRATION Upgraded core code to operate with servers along with WordPress installations.
- MODIFY CONTRACT PERMALINK Set up your contract to operate on the hyperlinks you desire. You're not confined to this contract/ permalink.
- AUDIT LOG each time a contract has been signed, reopened, or altered; an audit log is made.
- VIEW OPTIONS After a contract has been signed; it's still possible to observe the worth but can't edit before the contract has been reopened.
- GUTENBERG READY Additional functionality to utilize Gutenberg editor with arrangement screen shortcodes.
- ADD NOINDEX / / NOFOLLOW Additional noindex / nofollow to contract to prevent search engine indexing.
- You may show THEME COMPATIBLE Contract on your subject or without a header and footer to exhibit just a white page.
- BETTER JS HANDLING Integrated into WordPress's center performance for processing JS requests.
- CREATE YOUR OWN TEMPLATES Utilize WordPress's built-in editor to make your own contract template.
- AUTOMATIC EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS Send email alarms to your customers automatically together with the aid of a box.
- CREATE REUSABLE CONTRACTS Have users sign a contract without even producing the contract on multiple occasions. Case in point: Conditions of Service Agreement
- SIGNED / UNSIGNED STATUSES get the observable sign of your contract's standing from the dash, contract listing, and respective contract edit displays.
- CUSTOM SHORTCODES Insert your personal shortcodes.
- REORDER SHORTCODES Reorder fresh or previously created shortcodes
- DEFAULT SHORTCODES Instantly load and apply the default option shortcodes as noticed in our presentation
- PRINT CONTRACTS ONLINE Once signed, your customer and published their contract and also pay the first equilibrium.
- PASSWORD PROTECTED Contracts can be password protected readily with WordPress's built-in attribute
- SIGNATURE AUTHENTICATION IP address and customer timestamp are stored and displayed when a customer signs online so that you can monitor where and at which You had signed it
- FULLY RESPONSIVE Enables for almost any device to be utilized in generating, editing, or signing up a contract on the internet.
- UNLIMITED POTENTIAL Create unlimited templates, unlimited contracts, unlimited custom-made shortcodes.
- REOPEN CONTRACTS Eliminate a touch to reopen a contract for modifications.
- CLIENT INITIATED CONTRACTS Insert a very simple shortcode to some webpage on your website to bring a form and receive a notification when a customer creates their particular contract
- GET PAID QUICKLY Have multiple payment methods, including Stripe, Authorize.net, Dwolla, and Skrill, within an addon. PayPal comes free with all our plugins!
- REDIRECT AFTER SIGNING Create redirects to send the customer to a different page when they register their contract
- JUST WANT A PRINTABLE CONTRACT? Eliminate the signature window to give your customers a downloadable offline version
- CONTRACT CATEGORIES Organize your contacts into groups like WordPress articles
- CONTRACT EMBED Embed operational contracts on any webpage you need with a shortcode
Have a notion which we may implement? Please share it with us in the comments or guide us. Code Canyon, along with your thought, may get placed to our next revision.
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