SaaS Theme is the perfect theme for Premium URL Shortener SaaS version. It comes with many unique features including a dedicated control panel in the admin panel where you can change the skin, control testimonials and your corporate address.
Live Demo
You can test the script using the following credentials. This is an admin and a user account. Once logged in, simply click “Admin” at the top to access the admin panel. Please note that the demo will reset each week.
Free User Account
Email/Username: [email protected] / user
Password: userpass
Admin Account
Email/Username: [email protected] / admin
Password: adminpass
Main Page Login Page
Sample Short URL with Splash
Sample Stat Page
Custom Splash
As a purchaser of my products, you are entitled to free support. If you have a question, I would be happy to answer it. Also if you need a quick hint, don’t hesitate to contact me. Please don’t forget to follow me and to rate this awesome script
Premium URL Shortener 5.4+