Offer quality support to your customers !
This unique chat not only allows you to communicate with your customers, but also to guide them through the pages of the site showing them visually any element.
You can watch a video of the backend clicking on the “Video Preview” button.
You can also watch this video review done by a customer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHoYy0wsMsE
This standalone version works with any website. It contains an independent backend and allows you to directly manage operators accounts.
If you use Wordpress, you can find the WP version of this plugin here .
- Real time AJAX chat
- Beautiful, flat & responsive design
- Independant backend console
- Operators can initiate a chat
- View the page where your customer is.
- Operators management
- Chat logs management
- Operators can visually show any website element to the customer (through the different pages)
- Operator can transfer discussion to another online operator
- Frontend chat texts are customizable : you can translate in your language
- If there is no operator online, a contact form appears
- Colors are customizable
- Sound notification on new message
- IP, country and city information on customers
- Reactive support !
- Copy the folder “flat-visual-chat” in your website root using ftp, at the same level of your index.php
- Edit the file “flat-visual-chat/config.php” and enter the information of the mySQL database .
- Include this line in the <head> of the website pages:
<script src=”flat-visual-chat/flat-visual-chat.js”></script> - Go to the chat console : http://www.yourwebsite.com/flat-visual-chat/console and enter the admin information
* If you like this plugin, please leave a note ! *