About Dice Add-on
Dice is an add-on game for the Crypto Casino application. This game can not be installed and used on its own without having Crypto Casino purchased and installed first.
Dice Features
- Ability to set bet amount
- Ability to set win chance
- Ability to set payout
- Ability to turn sound on / off
- Full screen mode
- Auto play mode
When you open the game page the server generates a secret and a seed and reveals its hash (using HMAC SHA256 algorithm). The server secret represents a random number – initial roll (from 0 to 9999). The server seed is a cryptographically secure random alpha-numeric string. The hash of these 2 strings helps to ensure that the initial roll is not altered after you make a bet. After the game is finished the server secret and the server seed are revealed, so you can easily calculate and verify the hash.
When you play a game you can pass an extra custom string – client seed (if it’s not specified a random number is automatically generated by your browser). The server will then calculate another hash using the server secret, the server seed and the client seed. The last 5 chars of this hash (representing a hexadecimal value) will be converted to an integer. The result number will be used to adjust the initial roll. Because the client seed can not be predicted by the server the adjustment is completely random and hence you can be sure that the game result is fair.
To check that a game you played was fair go to History >> My games page, select a game and click Verify button.
A casino administrator can:
- Set min and max bet amount
- Set min and max win chance
- Set house edge
- Set default bet amount
- Set bet increment / decrement amount
Demo environment
Please sign up at Crypto Casino to test the application. You can use the following credentials to check the backend features:
user: [email protected], password: admin
System requirements
- Crypto Casino 1.13.0 or higher.
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