SNS Simen – Responsive Magento Theme A fresh and clean design. If you want to have a very unique and attractive design and trying to make your way among numerous store owners, SNS Simen is a great starting point for you.
SNS Simen with powerful features, easy to customize, power admin, cool effect. We hope you will have a great experience
Main Features
- Power admin
- Responsive Design
- Unlimited Colors
- 3+ Homepage
- Support cpanel on front-end
- Power menu
- Responsvie menu: Sidebar, Collapse
- Other Extensions: SNS Product Tabs, SNS Products, Quickview, SNS QuickSearch, SNS Proaddto
- Category List
- Brand Logo Slider
- New and Sale Labels
- Google Maps in Contact Us page
- Daily Deals module
- Releated Product, Upsell products slider
- Elevate Zoom, Thumbnail slider, Fancybox
- Support style for blog page(AW Blog)
- Support Magento Community Edition 1.7.x, 1.8.x and 1.9.x
- Integrated: Twitter Bootstraps, Google Fonts, Font Awesome
- Using html5, css3, lesscss
- Cross-browser: IE 9+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+ and Chrome
- W3C XHTML Transitional Valid
- Quickstart including sample data, easy to install
- PSDs file supplied
- User Guide Documentation html file
NOTE: The Images in the live preview will not be part of the design/theme meant for sale.
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