Start your own SaaS platform with Zender!
Attract online marketers and businesses who are looking for a cost-effective way of sending sms to their clients in their country, with Zender they can do it with ease.
Own it like you made it, with our full white-label platform solution, no one will know that your platform is using Zender!
We know how important it is to have an easy to use platform for web masters, that’s why Zender was built with ease of usage in mind.
Zender is extremely fast and optimized. We carefully tested everything to adhere web standards, you can check gtmetrix results here.
- Dashboard – Beautiful and responsive dashboard for your users that automatically fits any screen and resolutions, bundled with quick load technology.
- Landing Page – Beautiful landing page for your SaaS platform, attract paying visitors with a stunning landing page!
- Send Quick SMS – Allow your customers to send quick messages to their contacts.
- Send Bulk SMS – Allow your customers to send bulk messages to multiple contact groups.
- Send By Excel – Send messages from an excel sheet, allows your users to send massive amounts of messages without manually playing with modals.
- Schedule Messages – Add your messages for sending later, allows your users to fully optimize their time and marketability!
- Long Messages – Supports sending long messages, the messages will be splitted to multiple parts if longer than 160 characters. We even tried sending a message in Korean containing more than 500 characters!
- Receive SMS – Receive replies from the gateway devices, this can allow your customers to have a dual channel sms system.
- SMS Templates – Create ready to use message templates, just select it when you send an sms and it will automatically be added in the textarea.
- Smart Sending – When a user doesn’t select a device when sending sms, system will automatically decide what device will be used for sending based on pending messages by devices.
- Contact Importing – Import contacts easily via Excel sheet with an easy to understand formatting.
- Contact Groups – Create groups for easy sending of bulk messages to multiple numbers.
- Multiple Languages – Supports multiple languages, easily translate zender to different languages. Includes 10 default languages. English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Italian and Russian!
- Packages – Manage or create subscription packages for your customers, limit everything to by each packages.
- Payment Gateways – Stripe and Paypal for subscription payments. Pay by using Visa, MasterCard, Amex and more!
- Usage Stats – A detailed statistics on user dashboards will allow them to analyze their usage stats. Extensive charts are available in the admin panel.
- Limit Control – Limit everything from api keys, sent sms, received sms, max devices and more!
- API Keys – Let them create different API keys per project, they can also select permissions per api keys.
- Webhooks – Immediately reply to recipients when your receive their message, webhooks allows you to listen for incoming messages.
- SMS Actions – Create autoreply actions and internal webhooks to satisfy your project demands!
- RestAPI – Allow your users to integrate their accounts to different systems and languages, an extensive documentation is also included!
- Quick Navigation – Zender is so freaking fast that your users will love staying longer. GTMetrix also returned 100/91 scores when tested for loading speed!
- Smart Widgets – Easily add any block of scripts and html codes to your site. We’ve added a smart feature to allow you easily include them using a one liner code block.
- Theme Settings – Modify theme colors easily, we used scss technology to optimize the stylesheets. Add your custom logo, favicons and more!
- App Builder – Customize zender gateway application the way you want it, you’ll be able to use your own colors, splashscreen and logo.
- Clean Code – Professional code structure and framework, get the quality that you deserve!
- Well Documented – A well written documentation for web masters, manage your own SaaS easily by your own.
- Many more features! Check our live demo to see more!
- Beautiful – A simple but stunning user interface for the gateway app, astonish your users!
- Light & Fast – A powerful app with just 6mb in size, it can run perfectly on old android devices such as KitKat!
- Automatic Translation – The gateway app will automatically change it’s language based on the user selected language on the web app!
- Quick Register – Register devices on user accounts easily by just scanning a qrcode!
- Smart Recovery – If some errors or problems occured while the gateway is running, our app will amazingly recover from it and restart the service automatically. This efficiently prevents app crash and downtimes.
- Legacy Support – Supports android 4.4 and above, let your users use their old phones for their business.
- Custom Package Name – Your platform apk, branded with your own android apk package name!
- Customize App Icon – Use your own app icon image, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Customize App Logo – Use your own app logo image, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Customize App Splashscreen – Use your own splashscreen with your logo, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Customize App Color – Use your own app theme color, our app builder will compile it when building the apk for your platform.
- Integrated API – No need for manual input of your server url in the app, our app builder automatically integrates your server url inside the compiled apk.
- Activity Logger – A terminal logger is also added in the app to allow ease of monitoring of activities when running the gateway.
- Background Service – Zender gateway app can run in the background while you do other things, it can also run while the android phone is sleeping.
- Multiple Account Support – Zender allows multiple registration of one device to different user accounts.
- No Firebase Needed – There’s no need for firebase, we’ve created a smart environment to remove the need of external services such as firebase fcm.
- Server
- Apache or Nginx
- mod_rewrite if using apache
- PHP 7.1.0 or later
- MySQL 5.6 or later
- Extensions
- php-gd
- php-mbstring
- php-intl
- php-zip
- php-curl
- php-xmlreader
- php-bcmath
Zender is extremely optimized to provide maximum features while maintaining efficiency, we’ve even tested installing it on a $5 digitalocean droplet!
For customers who will buy the extended license, they’ll be able to get the next plugin of zender absolutely free.
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- Zender v3.1 Android Mobile Devices as SMS Gateway (SaaS Platform) (27.7 MB - 5/8/2022 2:32:13 PM)
zender-10.rar (Size: 12.9 MB - Date: 6/30/2020 11:51:06 AM)
Files Password : webdevdl.ir
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