- 3 Variant Demo Template
- 14 One Page Parallax Options
- Vertical & Horizontal Menu for One Pages Parallax
- Multi Headers
- Wide & Boxed
- 7 Variant Recipes Pages
- Calendar Events
- Reservation
- 2 Mega Menu (Ligh & Dark)
- 3 Error Pages(404)
- 4 Coming Soon Pages
- 3 Error Pages(404)
- 3 Login Pages
- Woocommerce Pages
- Shop Pages
- Loader Styles
- Retina ready
- Clean Design
- Modularity
- Clean Code
- Sticky Navigation
- Easy to customize
- + 200 HTML Pages
- Bootstrap 3
- Documentation
- Fully Customizable
- Googl web Fonts
- Fontawesome Fonts
- Browser Compatibility
- and more …
- Fontawesome
- Icomoon
- jQuery
- Cordrops
- Google Web fonts
- Bootstrap
- Modernizr
- Istope
- Owl Carousel
- Zooming Slider
- Stellar
- Swiper
- gMap
- Countdown
- Flicr Feed
- Smooth Scroll
- Superfish Menu
- Pretty Photo Lightbox
- FitVid
- Easing
- jQuery Appear
All images and videos used in the demo are not distributed with the theme. They are all licensed under Creative Commons and credited to their respective creator/owner.
- Photodune
- Wallpaper
- Unsplash
- Behance
- Pattern Images
- Wallpaper Vortex
- SebastianBednarek
Sepcial thanks to Html Beans for develop reservation forms