SakolaWp is a WordPress School Management System that helps schools to manage their daily activity. This Plugin helps you to manage : Class, Teacher, Student, Parent, Subject, School Routine, Attendance, Exam, Homework, News, Event, Marks.
This school management system plugin has 4 roles : Admin, Teacher, Student and Parent with each of them have their own account interface.
What’s this WordPress School Management System plugin for :
- Create & Manage Class
- Create & Manage Subject
- Create & Manage Teacher Profiles and Information
- Create & Manage Student Profiles and Information
- Create & Manage Parents Profiles and Information
- Connect Parent with Student
- School admission with registration system
- Create and Manage Online Homework base on Class & Subject
- Create and Manage Online Exam with result base on Class & Subject
- Create Class Routine
- Create Teacher Timetable
- Create Student timetable
- Create and Manage Internal News & Event
- Create and manage question and save it in Bank Question
User Roles Username Password ADMIN adminsakolademo adminsakolademo Teacher teacher1 gurudemosakola Student student1 muriddemosakola Parent parent1 ortudemosakola Admin admin adminsakolawp
Control Module Access by Different User Roles Multiple User Roles (admin,teacher,student,parents)
Admin features:
- Manage Teacher, students, class, marks etc
- Manage Class, section, and subjects etc
- Add, edit, delete students from admin easily
- Add, edit, delete teacher from admin easily
- Add, edit, delete daily routines teacher easily
- Manage and connect parent easily
- Add, edit, delete teacher information
- Add, edit, delete student and parent information
- View profile of students and also class and attendance report of student
- View all exam and result
- View all Homework and result
- Administrator has student and teacher migration facilitates, etc
- Create and manage new-event
Teachers features
- Check student-parents detail
- Take attendance of class
- Create and setup online exam of class
- Create and setup Homework of class
- Manage mark of student
- Questions Bank
Parents and student features
- Check class routine, new and event
- Student attendance report
- Online Exam information and result
- Homework information and result
- Report mark of student
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