Introducing Crush it Bootstrap Admin Application Template & Ui Kit
It is a reactive HTML template, which will be based on the Bootstrap 4X frame. It uses all the Bootstrap elements in layout and re-styles the most widely used plugins to make a consistent layout which may be utilized as a user interface for backend software.
Template Layout Options:
- Light Version
- Night Mode
- Full RTL Version
- Box Layout
- Mini Sidebar
- Mini Sidebar Dark
- Sidebar Dark Layout
- Menu List & Grid Layout
- Gradient Component
- Multi Font Setting
- Multi Dropdown Menu Icon
- Multi SubMenu List Icon
- Sticky topbar
All Features:
- 100% Responsive
- Bootstrap 4x
- Fully Customizable
- jquery v3.4.1
- Built-in SASS
- 50+ Widgets
- Customized Libraries
- Grunt
- Well Documented
- Pricing Tables
- FontAwesome
- Feather Icons
- Line Icons
- Beautiful Gradients
- Google Fonts
- Best GTMetrix Performance
- Compatible with all latest Browsers
- Fast Performance
- Valid & Clean Code
- Calendar App
- Contact List
- Chat App
- File Manager
- My Profile
- Image Gallery
- Vector Maps
- Widgets (Card, Card img, Statistics, Data, Social, More)
- Tables
- Form Elements
- Charts
- Icons
- General Setting
- Search Page
- Authentication
- Apex Charts
- E Charts
- C3 Charts
- KnobJs Chart
- Sparkline Chart
- List JS
- Full Calendar
- Nestable
- Sweet alert
- Summernote
- Table Dragger
- Markdown
- Counterjs
- Datatable
- Dropify
- Input mask
- Jquery validation
- Jquery steps
- Jvectormap
- Multi-select
- Color Pickers
In The Box:
- A ready-to-use version of the theme
- 500+ HTML files
- All demo images & videos
- CSS & SCSS source codes
- JavaScript source codes
- All plugins & libraries
- Documentation
Browsers Note: Works well in all latest browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Edge.
Please Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the template and NOT included in the final purchase files.
1. What is Regular License ( $19)
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
2. What is an Extended License ( $1000)
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product that end users can charge for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
3. Do I need to purchase a license for each website?
Yes, you need to have a separate license for each website.
4. Do you Charge for each Upgrade?
Not at all
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