Introducing Zion Builder Pro, The Fastest WordPress Page Builder
Fancy components and templates, flexibility in UI, strong options system - pick exactly what you will need for making your masterpiece!
Just the Correct Number of tools - Take the energy of real-time page editing - without any coding required and no additional interference on your webpage.
A builder on steroids - We're pleased to state our merchandise is the fastest and the lightest in the marketplace - it loads just the necessary tools.
Fancy components and templates, flexibility in UI, strong options system - pick exactly what you will need for making your masterpiece!
Components & Templates at your fingertips
Add templates and elements directly where you want them in the page builder popup.
A unified system of Choices
A simplified arrangement. Each of the builder components follows the same blueprint for styling. Just look for the required CSS rule!
Reusable templates & components
The new Library system will comprise over 150+ webpage builder components which will hasten the construction process tremendously.
Header & Footer Builder
Construct unlimited Headers & Footers using all the Theme Builders and delegate them to any page you desire.
Components and templates at your fingertips
Add templates and elements directly where you want them in the webpage builder popup. This popup provides accessibility to top-rated columns, components, and the Library of different templates and elements.
Global fashions
To use the very same styles on multiple components, Global CSS Courses have been implemented. They are sometimes styled from the webpage choices panel or in the Element options panel. No coding skills are needed.
Independent makeup of components
Each component consists of a wrapper and its own sub-components. By way of instance, a button consists of a wrapper, the button, and the icon, and every of these might have individual styles implemented.
History of Activity
Saving history, the system of your activities, article adjustments, customer permissions, or readily discard changes provide you the chance of getting the only creator of your site. Shortcuts for undo and redo will also be offered.
A unified system of choices
Every component has the same easy-to-use and intuitive alternatives pattern located at the"Element Options" panel. It is made of 3 chief tabs: overall, styling, search, and advanced.
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