Introducing Dashtrans Bootstrap5 Admin Template
Dashtrans is a responsive admin dashboard template for bootstrap 5. It uses bootstrap 5, HTML5, CSS, JQuery and is powered by the bootstrap 5 frameworks. It is compatible with all major web browsers and desktops as well as all smartphones. It is very flexible and easy to customize. It includes many UI components that are compatible with the most recent jQuery & Bootstrap plugins. It can be used to create any web application, including custom admin panels, project management admins, cms, CRM, and more.
Template Key Features
- Multiple Color Dashboard
- 60+ Responsive HTML Pages
- Easy to Customizable
- 200+ UI Icons
- Multiple Chart Options
- W3C Validated Code
- Multiple Table Layout Examples
- 100% Html Responsive Pages
- Data Table with Paging & Sorting
- Different Type Form Layouts
- Validation Forms
- Range Slider
- Forms Wizard
- Invoice Page
- User Profile Page
- Different Type Notifications & Sweet Alerts
- Login/ Registration Pages
- Animated Models
- Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
- Dynamic & Static Widgets
- Well Documentation
Sources and Credits
- getbootstrap.com
- jquery.com
- Chart JS
- Morris Charts
- Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparkline
- Easy Pie Chart
- Gmaps
- J vector Map
- simple Line Icons
- Themify Icons
- Flag Icons
- Summernote
- Vertical Timeline
- Fullcalendar
- Jquery Validation
- Bootstrap Datatable
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Select2 org
- Lobibox Notifications
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