Introducing The Fox Minimal WordPress Blog Magazine Theme
Fox is a top-selling WordPress theme and has been listed as one of the most popular. It's a great WordPress theme for blogging, newspaper, and eCommerce shops.
Pine: This is a charming and sexy place to showcase your gorgeous posts with flexible image sizes.
Square: This magazine template is super-clean with great grid ratios, modular typography, and a neutral tone.
John: A clean, white theme with a grid and square layout. Wide images and narrow content are great for telling stories.
Massa: Inspiration from MIT Technology Review Magazine. This demo is perfect for writing purposes.
Newspaper: Newspaper style, grid masonry layout on posts with two-column text columns for a single layout.
Times-News: Inspiration from The Times UK, LATimes, and New York Times. This theme is clean and easy to read.
Times Writer: Inspiration from NYTimes and Medium
Deodar: Hipster style. But simple and elegant. Vintage style.
Fashion: Inspiration from ELLE Fashion Magazine.
Commentary: Inspired By The Newyorker. This is the best place to find Commentary Magazine, Satire, Illustration, Cartoons, Comics, Politics.
Original: The original demo version of The Fox in an old-fashioned style, a paper newspaper.
Interior: Light colors and elegant design for Apartment Therapy Blogs or Home Decor Magazines.
Food: This blog is for food bloggers who want to share their recipes, cooking secrets, and food photos.
Clean: This blog is for writers looking for a clean, highly-readable blog such as Medium, Lifehacker, or Gizmodo.
Geometry: Colorful WP demo for Tech, AI, Science, Geeks, Game, Fiction...
The demo is for travelers, backpackers, bloggers, photographers, and other travelers looking to create a clean, simple blog that tells great stories.
Science: Scientific American is the #1 science magazine. This section is for news and technology in science, biology, physics, and chemistry.
Smooth: This is an illustration for Arts and Portfolio, inspired by Kinfolk magazine.
Lifestyle: This demo is intended for fashion, chic, girls, and minimalist bloggers
Fox can be used for Blog or Magazine purposes. It has a powerful page builder and a flexible design mindset. After you start using it, it will be beneficial.
Fox is compatible with WordPress 5.8. It's always up-to-date and compatible with future WordPress versions. For those who don't like the new editor, we also support the Classic Editor.
Fox is ready and tested for PHP 8.
All Demos are included in the download package. You can make your site look exactly like the demo by clicking on "Import" once you have waited for a few minutes.
Fox has taken the mobile version seriously. We offer an off-canvas menu with two skin options that look just like websites like Facebook, NYTimes, and New Yorker. Your off-canvas menu can be set with a background image like this >>
All elements are responsive: You have the option to choose different ad images, smaller font sizes, and smaller padding/margin.
Fox allows you to upload a mobile version of your website logo. It's a text logo, which is very lightweight by default.
Fox and none of our WordPress themes collect personal data like email addresses or names.
Fox uses standard HTML5 and CSS3 techniques. So search engines like Google and Bing can easily read your code, understand what your site is about, where the headline is, etc.
Text logo is the default unless you choose to use an image. All headings H1, H2, and H3 are well ordered and CSS files to improve site speed.
All Google Fonts are combined in a single-call load, and only the required font weights are loaded.
Fox is a Page Builder WordPress theme that integrates Drag & Drops Homepage Builder right into the customizer. There is no need to install an additional page builder. You can choose from 11 layouts and have the option to personalize each one. Below is a list of all layouts you can choose from.
- Standard Post
- Grid: 2-5 columns
- Masonry: 2-5 columns
- Liste
- Vertical Post
- Post Group 1
- Post Group 2
- Slider
- Modern Slider
- Post Carousel
- Big Post
- Newspaper
You can also experiment with section headings; sidebar left/right, banner/ad displays.
Fox allows you to control every element of your magazine: heading, body text, menu, logo, and post title. With over 1,000 options, it's easy to create your own magazine. The full list of font elements that you can control is here:
- Font for the body
- Font for heading
- Navigation first level
- Navigation dropdown
- Logo font
- Off-canvas mobile menu
- Section heading font
- Blog post title
- Blog post meta
- Standalone category (below post title)
- Single post title
- Single post subtitle
- Single post content
- Single label heading
- Font for archive title
- Widget title
- Button
- Input
- Blockquote
- Drop cap (with Gothic font choice)
- Caption for this image
- Copyright text
Fox is WooCommerce ready and has a WooCommerce WordPress theme. Fox + WooCommerce is a WordPress theme that allows you to create an online store. This is an example shop >>
Elementor, a free page-builder that powers more than 4 million WordPress websites, is available for download. Fox is an Elementor WordPress theme that works well with Elementor. It includes the following elements:
- Post-Standard Layout
- Post Newspaper Layout
- Post Grid Layout
- Post Masonry (Pinterest-like) Layout
- Post List Layout
- Post Vertical Layout
- Post Big Layout
- Post Slider Layout
- Post Group 1 (2 columns)
- Post Group 2 (3 columns)
- Heading
- Author Grid/List
- Button
- Responsive Ad
Fox is 100% compatible with Polylang so that you can turn your site into a multi-languages site.
People always love up-to-date content. Fox allows you to display updated dates instead of publishing dates so that your site will look fresher and attract both visitors and search engines.
If your website has multiple authors or multiple contributors for a post, Fox is 100% compatible with the Co-Authors Plus plugin. You can set few authors for a post or even guest authors.
Custom sidebar on homepage: You can choose to display sidebar between post sections. Put your ad, newsletter form, contact form, intro boxes, or Instagram grid. Whatever you want.
Custom post type: Fox supports custom post type and custom taxonomy. Instead of showing standard posts, you can choose to display Book, Movie, or any custom post type.
Non-duplicating posts: If a post appears in section 1, it won’t appear in section 2, even in category 2. Your visitors will always be feed fresh news.
Archive top area: In each category/tag, you may choose to showcase most viewed posts or featured posts of that category/tag in some manner: post group 1, group 2, vertical post, post grid... View example >>
Individual category, tag options: Each category tag has its own option set so that you can display category A differently from category B. Category 1 is in a grid layout; category 2 is in a list layout. It’s ok.
- Post layout: grid, masonry, list, standard...
- Sidebar: Left, right, or no sidebar
- Top area: layout for the top area or disable.
- Category cover image. Example >>
- Sidebar selection: It means you can display different sidebars for different categories.
Built-in author options: Social profile URLs such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest... Fox allows you to upload author avatar and author cover image without installing additional plugins (note that other WP themes require a plugin to do that)
Advanced thumbnail options: You can choose over landscape, square, portrait thumbnail for your blog posts or enter your custom thumbnail size that is right to you, e.g., 720×400.
Thumbnail hovers effect: Fox includes 4 thumbnails hover effects: Image fade, darken, brand logo hover, or the first letter of the post title. You can also choose not to use any of them.
Wide or boxed layout: See sample wide layout >> and boxed layout >>
Content width can be set to 1020px, 1170px or any number you want. Feel free to change the sidebar width too.
5 Header layouts:
- Stack 1: Navigation bar – Logo
- Stack 2: Logo – Navigation bar
- Stack 3: Search, Logo, Social – Menu
- Stack 4: Menu – Search, Logo, Social
- Inline: Logo Left – Menu Right
- Minimal Header with Primary Menu disabled.
The sticky header can be enabled/disabled.
Megamenu: To enable the mega menu, you just need to check the menu item: Enable this. Very simple. Fox supports 2, 3, 4 column mega menu items.
Loads latest posts from category: You can enable this feature for category menu items in the back end so that when your visitors hover a category menu item, it loads the latest posts in that category.
Off-canvas menu: Build a professional site with an off-canvas menu that opens by a hamburger button, like Facebook, Nytimes, Elle... Fox offers an off-canvas menu with 2 different skins: Light and Dark. You can choose an off-canvas menu that differs from your main header menu.
Text logo and image logo: Fox supports text logo with customizations like font face, size, color... Text logo is practically good for SEO and is a simple solution if you don’t want to design an image logo.
9 footer layouts: Fox supports flexibly footer layouts:
- 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4
- 2/4 + 1/4 + 1/4
- 1/4 + 2/4 + 1/4
- 1/4 + 1/4 + 2/4
- 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
- 2/3 + 1/3
- 1/3 + 2/3
- 1/2 + 1/2
- fullwidth
You can align each column left, center, or right to build your own footer with creativity. Also, light and dark skin with background color, images are supported for footer.
Versatile single post layouts: There’re 6 predefined single post layouts that you can set locally for each post or globally for all posts
- Layout 1: Thumbnail – Title – Content
- Layout 1b: Title – Thumbnail – Content
- Layout 2: [Title] – [Thumbnail] – [Content]
- Layout 3: [Thumbnail] – [Title & Content]
- Layout 4: Hero Full
- Layout 5: Hero Half (Dark and Light)
5 Post formats supported:
- Standard post
- Video post: YouTube, Vimeo, or any popular video service. You can also upload your own mp4 video file.
- Audio post: Spotify, Soundcloud, or any popular audio service. You can also upload your own audio file.
- Gallery post: with 7 gallery styles
- Link format: Your post in the blog can point to an external link
Autoload next post: Create an infinite scroll for single posts to keep your visitors on site. When visitors reach the bottom of a single post, it loads a new post automatically.
This is a feature inspired by qz.com or elle.com.
Automatic video thumbnail: Once Youtube or Vimeo video URL is set for your video format post, Fox automatically pulls thumbnail from the video for your post.
Two-column text: single column text or 2-column text layout.
Built-in lightbox: Fox integrates a beautiful lightbox.
Reading progress: The reading progress indicates how much your post content has been read. You can enable/disable it, set it at the top or bottom with custom thickness and color.
Post view counter: Fox integrates a simple post view counter but in a separated plugin. You may choose to install it or not. It counts post views by session so it’s pretty correct. It means refreshing the post 10 times in 1 minute still counts as 1 view. In each builder section or post list widget, you can display most viewed posts: all time, yearly, monthly or weekly.
Related posts: Fox integrates related posts in few positions: after post content, bottom of single post, or footer sliding box. Related post source can be: same tags, same category, same author, latest posts, featured posts.
Review post: Fox integrates a simple built-in review system that helps you build a review blog/magazine such as book reviews, movie reviews, etc. Sample review post >>
Sponsored post: Example of sponsored post >> You can change the sponsor label, name, image logo, image width and the sponsor URL.
Live post: For live events like football match or an outbreak (Coronavirus, Forest Fire..), it has a label as “Live post” and the time indicator of latest update time. This feature is inspired by news sites like NyTimes, BBC, CNN.. See Live Post >>
Professional Image Align: You can choose to set each image in your post to be aligned wide (120px larger than the post content width) or fullwidth (to the edge of screen). Those options can be set for each image, each post or all posts.
7 Gallery Styles:
- Image Grid gallery with options 2 – 5 columns
- Masonry image gallery with options 2-5 columns
- Carousel gallery
- Stack Images
- Image Slider
- Metro gallery style
- Rich-content slider
Ads Spots:
Fox has many ad spots you can use responsive banner ad or enter your own ad code, say Adsense. Each banner ad has option for desktop banner, tablet and mobile ad.
Here’re spots you can insert your ads:
- Before Header
- After Header
- After Logo
- Before each homepage builder section
- Before the main stream posts in homepage builder
- Main Sidebar
- 4 Footer Columns
- Before single post title
- Before single post content
- After single post content
- In a page if you use Elementor.
Widget List:
- About widget
- Image box
- Coronavirus data
- Instagram Feed (third-party)
- Facebook Like Box
- Pinterest Feed
- Responsive Ad (Banner or custom Adsense Code)
- Post List (Latest, Most Viewed, Best Rated)
- Author List
- Social List
- Mailchimp Form For WP (third-party)
- Button
- Copyright
- Header, Footer Logo
- Header, Footer Menu
Social Share: Fox supports share icons of all popular social sites. You can display share icons before, sticky along post or after the post content.
- Messenger (only rare themes support this)
(Note that Instagram doesn’t have a share button)
Built-in Coronavirus Data Widget included: With world wide spread of the Covid 19 pandemic, many sites now require a live update of the pandemic locally or globally. Since v4.4, Fox includes a built-in Coronavirus widget update with data from Johns Hopkins University, New York Times and Worldometers combined. See a live demo here >>. You can display number of total cases, new confirmed cases, total deaths from:
- Worldwide
- Any country, say USA, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia etc
- Any continent, eg. Europe, Asia, North America etc
- Any U.S. State, eg. New York, California, Illinois, New Jersey etc
- And a table below with data from all countries around the world or all U.S states
With smart data cached you can set from 15 mins – 24 hours, it doesn’t slow down your site while the data is still up to date. This widget is EXCLUSIVELY included in The Fox theme and you’ll see it right after install the theme under Appearance > Widgets tab. Enter your own country/state. No further actions needed.
Compatible with essential plugins:
- Elementor page builder
- WooCommerce plugin for shop
- Contact Form 7
- Mailchimp For WP
- SEO Yoast
- Instagram Feed
- Wordfence
- All in one security
- Akismet
- Jetpack
- Autoptimize
- WP Rocket (premium)
- Lazy Load
- Loco Translate
- Polylang
- WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache
Fully Translatable: Fox supports more than 20 essential translation words right inside the customizer panel so you don’t need to install a third-party translation plugin. Words you can translate quickly in Customizer: More, Keep Reading, Read More, Previous, Next..
- Human-reading time: 3 days ago, 19 hours ago..
- Sentence base: word or character
- Multi-site ready
- Cross browser compatibility: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, Edge.
- Retina ready
- Support for multi page articles
- Child theme supported
- Reading time in post meta
- CSS, JS Compressed by default. However, you can select to load many individual files if you want for your own purpose.
- Show/Hide everything in your site.
- Most options are local and global: ie. there’s an option for each post and there’s an option in Customizer that applies for all posts.
- Font Awesome 5 icon list
- Custom header logo URL
- Upload default thumbnail in case there’s no thumbnail
- Custom post blog thumbnail, ie. you can set blog image that’s different from single post thumbnail.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of The Fox Minimal WordPress Blog Magazine Theme NOW!
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