Introducing Bulona Angular Admin Template
Bulona admin uses Angular10+ and bootstrap 4. It has eight well-designed dashboards. It's a powerful admin template that is easy to use by developers. It includes a large number of UI components, including the latest jQuery and bootstrap plugins. It's fully responsive and can be used with all major web browsers and desktops.
This application can be easily maintained using the Angular CLI. Bulona angular admin features multiple dashboards with an organized folder structure and commented code that makes it easy for developers. It is compatible with all significant web browsers and desktops as well as all smartphones.
Bulona angular admin templates are compatible with AOT or Lazy Loading. The browser can download a pre-compiled version with AOT. The browser loads executable code to render the application instantly, and it does not need to wait for the app's compilation. Lazy Loading allows you to load JavaScript components simultaneously when a route is activated. Wipe Admin admin template includes many examples pages that have many ready-to-use elements. It is also easy to customize.
There are a few pre-made layouts that you can choose from. You can choose from many popular UI components. This template can be used to create any web application, e-commerce dashboards, custom admin panels, project management admins, CRM, CMS, and many other types.
Template Key Features
- 8 Nicely Designed Dashboards
- Bootstrap Modals
- Ng-bootstrap Components
- Lazy Loading
- Nested Routing
- Data Table with Paging & Sorting
- 65+ components
- 200+ UI Icons
- Bootstrap cards
- Apex Chart
- Chart Js
- NGX-Chips
- Sweet Alerts
- Timeline
- Switches
- Angular Full Calendar
- Google Maps
- Data Tables
- Date & Time Pickers
- Organized Folder Structure
- Quill Editor
- Login/ Registration Pages
- Fully Responsive Layouts
- Compatible with Small, Medium & Large Screens
- Well Documented
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