Introducing Responsive Posts Carousel WordPress Plugin
Responsive Posts Carousel is a small and powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to show Posts, Gallery Images, WooCommerce Products, and other custom posts in a sliding carousel or slide with a touchscreen can operate. There are 50+ pre-designed templates, and then modify them according to your needs with the Live Template Editor. There are many options and settings available to build your stunning post slider in only a few minutes. You can make almost every type of slider, including ShowCase, Vertical Slider, Multi-Row Slider, and others. The columns used for sliders can be set per device (Desktop Tablet, Desktop, and Mobile), and the Equal Height mode can make your slides appear more stunning and equally symmetrical. The size of the image you want to customize can also speed up page loading, and the lazyload feature allows you to display your slider while you load the webpage.
Customizing the order of your slides lets you manage and organize your slides according to your requirements. The criteria for choosing a post are also flexible, and you can display your posts and cats using IDs, types, dates, authors, and status, as well as taxonomy terms, or even by the meta you have created. Placeholder Images can be used to highlight posts that do not feature an image. Particular posts can not be included in the selection requirements.
You can display a customized meta of posts/cpts on the slider. Advanced Custom Fields are also available. The templates can be modified to change the template by copying them into the directory for the Theme's/Child theme, similar to the template files of WordPress. Page Builders are also able to display actual content instead of printing the shortcodes.
The AJAX-based Popup (lightbox) allows you to see the entire post from above the slider quickly, but without ever going to the post's specific page.
- 50+ Templates: Yes, there are 50+ unique and modern templates available to choose from.
- Easy Selection: Simple post-selection. You can select by post IDs, taxonomies, or terms.
- Responsive: It's fully responsive and scales with its container.
- Social Sharing: 15+ Social Networks to choose from, to display their buttons on templates.
- AJAX Popup: Post Popup is also available, and a popup template can be loaded from the theme for customizations.
- Custom Meta: Display custom meta for title and description.
- RTL Mode: Right to Left mode can also be turned on.
- WooCommerce: Supported with WooCommerce, provide meta key woo_price to display the formatted price of the product.
- RWD: Different layout settings for Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop views.
- Vertical Mode: Vertical slide mode is also available to display in the sidebars.
- Custom Easing: 24 Animations available to choose from for slide transition.
- Custom Image Sizes: You can load any size of the Featured Image registered by your theme.
- Placeholder: Set a default image for those posts which don't have any featured image.
- Grid Mode: You can also display multiple rows of seats in a single slider.
- Lazy Loading: Lazy loading for large prints.
- Infinite: Infinite looping and center mode.
- Equal Height Mode: Fix images height without stretching them to make all templates the same in size.
- Child Theme Support: Load templates from your theme if you want to make changes to them.
- CPT Support: All custom post types are supported, including testimonials, portfolios, etc.
- ACF Support: Supported with Advanced Custom Fields to display custom meta values in templates.
- Custom Ordering: Sort your carousel items by date, IDs, titles, or any custom meta order.
- Accessibility: Swipe to slide and desktop mouse dragging support.
- Navigation: Arrows and bottom navigation indicator dots.
- Arrow Styles: 10 arrow styles and custom settings to customize them.
- Auto Play: Auto Play with custom slide duration and custom speed.
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