Introducing Starto | Saas Software Startup WordPress
Starto WordPress Theme is a responsive WordPress theme specifically designed for startups, software as a service, app creators and other tech-related websites for business and more. The theme comes with a fully functional page builders designed for business websites. Starto has responsive layouts that are designed specifically for startup, software as a service App creator, software as service and other related technology-related websites. It looks amazing on any device. It comes with a variety of ready-to use layouts that can be downloaded in a single click.
9 homepages with different styles and color schemes for startups, software as a service, app creators and other tech-related websites for business.
We have created ready-to-use homepage layouts. We will continue to add more layouts in future updates.
20+ flexible Gallery, Portfolio, Video and gallery layouts
Show your unique website's content media, for example. videos, portfolios, and images with a variety of slideshow, gallery, and video layouts.
- The template is predesigned for portfolio pages, pages gallery, video gallery, and more. To let you present your portfolio, business videos, gallery or portfolio with a distinctive style and requires only a few steps to build using an easy to use page builders.
- Portfolio Portfolio is an excellent way to display your software showcase, app or other business work.
- Slider Slider can be the ideal way to showcase the most important content of a page using its distinctive and stunning animation that is easily made without coding.
- Gallery Gallery is a great way to showcase galleries of images on your site and you can upload multiple photos into the gallery.
- Video Gallery Video Gallery is a best way to showcase videos on your site so that your customers can access rich media content right on your site or YouTube.
- Page Page is used to display your company's details, products, and more. on your website , including images, text, and video.
- 50+ predefined Pages Templateswhich are available to import into Elementor Page Builder.
- 8 Templates for BlogsMultiple single blog designs are powerful tools that can be used for a variety of reasons. The content of a blog post can be adapted to display galleries, slideshows, or even with other video sources for example. YouTube, Vimeo, and self-hosted video. Blog post also allow for a variety of content such as photos gallery, video, etc.
- 5 traditional menu layoutswith diverse menu styles and a variety of customizable options , so you can easily design your own menu layout.
Fully customizable header menu, navigation menu mega menu and footer by using the Ellementor Page Builder
The easiest to utilize Ellementor Page Builder
- The intuitive Page BuilderWe are using the easiest user-friendly WordPress web page builders "Elementor". This allows you to create stunning pages using drag and drop ease.
- Add and manage Content Visually instead of the icons when you choose the content to add to the page, it will display the contents visually.
- Reactive PreviewSee and work with the responsive layout immediately in the web page builders.
- Drag and Drag Content Builder Create multiple layouts on one page, without touching the theme code. Simply drag and dropping our pre-defined content module options, such as maps, blog, gallery and many more. Try this powerful tool for building pages.
- File as Template The page can also be saved to a a template to be used on new pages. This helps in the development of new galleries.
Completely integrated into WordPress the Customizer
- fully integrated in WordPress Customizer Modify the appearance settings of your WordPress in an interactive preview. No matter what changes you make to the colors of elements, backgrounds or layout type, typography images or text You will be able to be able to see the result immediately.
- Create your website to be responsive in a snap. Just only one click in Live Customizer will present the results in a the form of a responsive display tablets, laptops, or mobile phones.
- Styled Typography Preview in Live View More than 500+ Google Fonts are available including all types and styles. font changes will be displayed in live preview using the Customizer. You can alter font sizes, design, and color with no code.
- Advanced Font Management Advanced Font Management support many Google Fonts, Typekit and self-hosted fonts, so that you are able to add your personal font, without any other plugin.
- Set different fonts easily for the Main Content Font Family Main Content Font Size H1-H6 Font Family H1-H6 Font Weight and H1 H6 Font Size.
- Simply alter the Button Font Family.
- Additionally, you can set the dissimilar fonts for Menu Font Family and Menu Font Size and Menu Padding as well as Menu Font Weight and Menu Font Spacing as well as the Menu Font Transformation of Text.
- Additionally, you can you can easily change SubMenu Font Size, SubMenu Font Weight, SubMenu Font Spacing, and SubMenu Text Transform (None or Lowercase, Uppercase as well as Capitalizing).
- Simply modify the Side Menu Font Family and side Menu Font Size and the Side Menu Font Spacing , and The Side Menu Transformation of Text (None Uppercase, lowercase and capitalize).
- Additionally, you can easily change Page Header Padding Top the bottom of Page Header Padding The Page Title Font Size and The weight and size of the Page Title Font the Page Title Font Spacing, and page title text transformation (None, Uppercase, or Lowercase Capitalize)
- Furthermore, it is easy to change the The Content Builder Header's Font Size as well as Change the Text Transformation of Content Builder's Header (None and Lowercase, Uppercase, Capitalize)
- You can also easily alter your Page Title Font Size and The Page Tagline Font's Weight the Page Tagline font size, and The Page Tagline's Text Transformation (None uppercase, lowercase Capitalize)
- The last but not least You can easily modify the Widget Title Font Family The Title Font Size, Widget Title Font Size and the Widget Title Font Weight and the Widget Title Font Spacing, and the Widget Title Transformation of Text (None Uppercase, Lowercase and capitalize).
- Gallery and Photo Protection optionsTheme provide a range of ways to safeguard your work including password-protected right-click image dragging and watermark.
- Fantastic BackgroundsEasily adding pictures, patterns and colors on the backgrounds of your website. Furthermore, different variations of repeat options are offered.
- You can easily set different backgrounds for the Main Content Background Color input or Textarea Background Color or Button Background Color.
- Additionally, set a varying background for Menu Background Color and Menu Background Image and Menu Background Repeat Dimension of the Menu Background the size of the Menu Background Attachment and the Menu Background Position
- You can also easily set the sub Menu Hover State Background Color and Sub Menu Background Color.
- Furthermore, it is easy to change the your Top bar Background Color.
- Furthermore, you can simply alter the side menu background Color as well as the Side Menu Background Image The Side Menu's Background Repetition the size of Side Menu's Background The Side Menu Background and the Side Background position.
- You can also easily alter the the background of your search input Color.
- Additionally, you can easily also set the your Page Header Background Color and Footer Background Color and Footer Background Image and Footer Background Repeat Footer Background Size as well as Footer Background Attachment and the position of the footer background.
- unlimited ColorsEasily manage your website's elements' colors with the help of a the color picker
- Simply change the colors of the the Main Content Background Color Color of Page Content's Font Color Color of Page Content Link Color the Page Content Hover Link Color H1-H6 Font Color the Horizontal Line Color.
- You can easily set different colors for background of Textarea Input Color input as well as textarea Font Color Textarea and Input Border Color Input and Textarea Focus Color Button Background Color Button Font Color Button Border Color.
- Additionally, you can change Frame Color easily.
- Additionally, set the opposite colors for Menu Background Color as well as Menu Font Color as well as the state of Menu Hover Font Color as well as the The Menu active state font Color and the Border of the Menu Bar Color
- Submenus can also be configured to include Sub Font for Menu Color Sub Menu Hover States Font Color Sub Hover State Menu Background Color Sub Menu Background Color along with Sub-Menu Border Color
- Easily change Mega Menu Header Font Color and Mega Menu Border Color.
- The Top Bar's Background Color and the Top Bar Menu Font Color is easily changeable.
- Additionally, you can easily change the side Menu Background Color and side Menu Font Color as well as the Side Menu Hover Font Color
- You can easily change the Search Input Background Color and the Search Input Color. You can easily change the Search Input Font Color.
- Simply change the Background of the Page Header Color, Page Title Font Color or The Font for the Page Tagline Color.
- You can easily alter Sidebar font Color, Sidebar Link Color, Sidebar Hover Link Color and Sidebar Widget Title Color. You can easily change the Sidebar Font Color.
- Change the footer of your page's background easily. Color Footer Font Color Footer Link Color and the Footer Hover Link Color and The Border of the footer Color and the Footer Icon Color. Icon Color.
- Responsive DesignWith people's behavior in mind Every page is created to look stunning across all devices, no matter which device the user is using tablets, laptops or mobile phones. If you'd prefer to disable the responsive functionality, just one click is needed in the live customizer's backend.
- Frame Frame can be made available for layout of your site with just one click. Additionally, you can select an easy Frame Color using the color selection tool.
- Social Social Social Sharing Button can be added to all pages with one click.
- Content
- Set different typography for the Main Content Font Family Main Content Font Size H1-H6 Font Family H1-H6 Font Weight and H1 H6 Font Size.
- You can also easily change the background colors for Main Content Background Color, Page Content Font Color page Content Link Color the Page Content Hover Link Color H1-H6 Font Color along with Horizontal Line Color.
- Furthermore, modify the Input and Textarea Background Color input as well as textarea Font Color Textarea Border Color The Input State and the Focus Color Button Background Color Button Background Color Font Color along with Border Color.
- Navigation
- General
- Menu Layout A variety of options to select your menu layout, for example, Left Align, Center Align, Left Vertical, Hamburger Menu + Side Menu and Hamburger Menu. Side Menu as well as Hamburger Menu (Off-Canvas Side Menu Navigation) + Fullscreen Menu Open Menu
- Create your own custom and full header and main menu layouts with the drag&drop Elementor's page builder. It doesn't require any coding knowledge!
- The Sticky Menu One click is needed for a fixed menu when scrolling. Furthermore, Light & Dark sticky Menu Color Schemeis available to complement the style of your website.
- Fully customize menu layouts content, columns and layout with Elementor Page Builder.
- Typography
- It is easy to change the menu fonts easily. Font Family, Menu Font Size and Menu Padding. Menu Font Weight and Menu Font Spacing as well as Font Text Transform for Menu Font Transformation of Text.
- Colors
- Simply alter the Menu Font Color and the menu Hover's State Font Color The menu Color, Active State Font Color and the Border of the Menu Bar Color.
- Backgrounds
- Set up a variety of backgrounds for Menu Background Color and Background Image for Menu and Menu Background Repeat. Menu Background Size, Background Attachment, and Menu Background Location
- Sub MenuSubmenu can be configured to include SubMenu Font Size SubMenu Font Weight SubMenu Font Spacing SubMenu font text transform Sub Menu Font Color Sub Menu Hover State Font Color Sub Hover State Menu Background Color Sub Menu Background Color Sub-Menu Border Color.
- Mega Menu The theme comes with mega menu support, so you can show navigation links as columns, which permit you to arrange a huge quantity of menu items
- Make changes to the Mega Menu Header Font Color and Mega Menu Border Color using the color picker ease
- Create unique and rich content for your menu by using drag and drop Elementor page builders. There are no coding skills required!
- The Top Bar
- Just one click is required to display the Top Bar above the main menu.
- Furthermore the top Bar Background Color and the Top Bar Menu Font Color can be easily altered.
- Contact Information hours and Contact Number can be created. In addition, only one click is needed to opening the Top Bar Social Icons link in a new window
- Side Menu
- One click is all it takes to turn on Side Menus on Desktop
- You can easily change the Side Menu Background Color and side menu font Color and the Hover of the Side Menu State Font Color using the using the color picker
- You can easily set the your Side Menu Background Image simply by clicking the image
- Additionally, simply alter Background Repeat and the Background size, background attachment and Background Position in a snap.
- You can also easily change the the Side Menu Font Family as well as the Side Menu Font Size as well as the The Side Menu Font text transform (None Uppercase, Lowercase Capitalize)
- Header
- Background
- One click is all it takes to turn on the Blur Effect to header background image as you scroll through it.
- You can easily change the Page Header Background Color with the using the color picker
- Page Title
- You can easily change the your Page Header's Padding Top Page Header Padding Bottom the Page Title Font Size and the weight of Page Title fonts Space for Page Title Text, and the Page Title text transform (None lowercase, uppercase Capitalize, Uppercase)
- You can easily change the font of your Page Title Color using the using the color picker
- Page Title and Background Image
- You can easily change the Title of the Page with the background image's height in percent
- Page Tagline & Sub Title
- You can easily change the Font of Page Tagline Color using the using the color picker
- Additionally, you can easily alter the size of the Page Title Font and Weight of the Page Tagline Font and Spacing of the Page Tagline Font along with Page Tagline Text Transform (None uppercase, lowercase Capitalize)
- Sidebar
- Typography
- It is easy to alter Widget Title Font Family, Widget Title Font Size, Widget Title Font Weight, Widget Title Font Spacing and Widget Title Text Transform (None Uppercase, lowercase, Capitalize)
- Color
- You can easily change Sidebar Type Color, Sidebar Link Color, Sidebar Hover Link Color and Sidebar Title Font Color with the picking colors
- Footer
- Create unique and rich footer layouts with Elementor's drag-and-drop page builder. There is no need for coding!
- General
- Simply easily the Footer Sidebar columns to hide the Sidebar Footer Sidebar or one column
- Just one click is needed to enable your preference to open the footer social icons hyperlink in a new window
- Background
- You can easily change the background of your Page Footer Color using a picking colors
- Simply alter the Footer Background Repeat the size of the Footer Background and Footer Background Attachment and the Footer Background Position.
- It is easy to set the background image for Footer simply by clicking the image
- Change the footer's Font Color as well as Footer Link Color as well as The Footer Hover Link Color and Footer Border Color and the Footer Social Icon Color with the picking colors
- Copyright
- You can easily enter the Copyright Text and also select Copyright Right Area Content (Social Icons or Footer Menu)
- Just one click is required to activate the go to the top button on the bottom of the page while scrolling
- Gallery
- General
- Simply sort gallery photos by choosing from a variety of choices, for example, using drag&drop, by latest or oldest, by random , and by the title.
- It is easy to simply display the information about your image to make photos on proofing pages. You can choose one of these options, including WordPress Media ID, File Name, and Image Title.
- Choose the easy the layout columns option to create the photo proofing page.
- Lightbox
- Two color skins of lightbox are available to lightbox (White and Black)
- It is easy to arrange the thumbnails of the lightbox to have horizontal or vertical.
- You can easily adjust the opacity of the lightbox overlay using this adjuster.
- One click is all it takes to display the caption beneath an image that is in lightbox.
- Archive
- One click is all it takes to allow the slideshow on hover effect when moving the mouse over the gallery thumbnail
- Fullscreen
- One click is all it takes to activate fullscreen slideshows when it begins automatically, turn on fullscreen slideshows, display the image randomly and enable slide show captions to be displayed, enable captions, allow the display of slideshow image proportions without covering screen and enabling the display the slide navigation by arrows.
- You can easily adjust the number of seconds to show a fullscreen slideshow as well as the milliseconds to the timer between each slide.
- Select the appropriate transition type to display content in a fullscreen slideshow.
- Blog
- General
- One click is all it takes to display the post's full blog page content (excerpt grid layout for blogs)
- It is easy to alter the layout of the page to display archive pages tags, category pages and page (Grid grid + right Sidebar Grid plus Left Sidebar and Left Sidebar and Left Sidebar and the entire wide.
- Simply change the link to your post category font color using the picking colors.
- Slider
- Just one click is needed to activate the slider on blog pages.
- You can easily alter the layout of slider posts by adjusting the layout (Full width 3 columns) and the post category filter for slider posts as well as the slider posts items.
- One Post
- One click is all it takes to allow the display of the featured image for the post's background for the header, the display of prominent material (image or gallery) on a single post page, the display of post tags on a single post pages, and the information display of information about author on the single post page, the display of related posts on one post page, and share buttons that are displayed on the one post's page.
- Shop
- Layout
- It is easy to alter the layout of the page to the display of your shop's product page (Fullwidth with sidebar) as well as the quantity of products you would like to display on a page.
- One Product
- You can easily change the price of your product the font color with the using the color picker.
- Just one click is needed to show related products on a the same page.
- Menus Create your own menus using the 24 pre-defined menu options. You can also rearrange elements from the headers sections, alter the location of logo, switch colors, and include images social icons, taglines and secondary menus.
- General
- You can easily set different typography for Menu Font Family and Menu Font Size and Menu Padding and Menu Font Weight and Menu Font Spacing as well as menu Font Text Transform Side Menu Font Spacing, and more.
- Additionally, set a varying background for the Menu Background Color and Background Image for Menu and Menu Background Repeat. Dimensions of the Menu Background Background Attachment to Menu and the Position of the Background Menu.
- Restaurant Locations
- Theme has four menus available, which include the Primary Menu The theme supports 4 menus, including Top Bar Menu the Side (Mobile) Menu, Side (Mobile) and Footer Menu. You can decide which menus appear in each place and you can also put menus within widget areas using the menu widget that you can customize.
- Submenus can be orderedby drag and drop as per menu.
- Features Menu
- Main Menu
- One Page Menu
- Side Mobile Menu
- Widgets We've provided a selection of custom widgets designed to simplify your life, including Custom Categories Posts Custom Flickr, Custom Instagram, Custom Map, Custom Menu, Custom Popular Posts, Custom Recent Posts, Custom Social Profiles, and Custom Twitter. Drag and drop these widgets that you want to activate and customize on any sidebars you create.
- Static Front Page
- Simply select the options on the Front page , which will display your most recent posts or a static webpage and you can also add the post page and front page to a particular pages.
- Amazing Post and Page Options
- Page options can be found in the menu along with Theme Options. Page options allows you to set the parameters for each pages or posts that affect the post or page they are set to. These options will override themes options, allowing you to set up a separate post or page that isn't part of your general settings. These various options are combined to enable you to create stunning websites.
- Post Options
- Layout of the single page that includes Fullwidth, left sidebar and right sidebar, and split screen.
- Select the featured content type of the post, which includes gallery, image, Youtube Video and Vimeo Video. Different types of content will be displayed on a single page of the post.
- Indicate Format, including Standard Link, Quote and Standard.
- Select categories such as Travel, Lifestyle, Photography and other categories.
- Include multiple tags, a excerpts, featured image, and shortcode
- It is easy to manage categories and tags.
- Page Options
- Just one click can turn the your main menu transparent. You can also to hide the the default header of the page.
- Page Tagline is now available (HTML code also can be used to support)
- Select the page's sidebar using the available template for the page
- Modify the menu on your page to allow you to show a different menu that the default one.
- Indicate the parent page for the web page. the template for the page, and order.
- Include featured image and discussion.
- Fantastic Gallery Options The theme has multiple gallery templates that are suitable for different reasons. You can display the slideshow in full screen or horizontal, justified, classic gallery columns or even mix between various gallery layouts.
- Unlimited Photo Gallery Page.
- Enter the password for the gallery.
- Support Featured Image and Discussion.
- Amazing Blog Options
- 8 Page Layouts that you can choose from
- There are four types of posts available comprising gallery, image, Youtube Video, and Vimeo Video.
- Automatic pagination.
- Post sharing box that includes social icons.
- Threaded Comments.
- Author profile page.
- Customized SidebarsEasily making the custom sidebars you want, without needing to alter any code. Furthermore, you can make the different sidebars precisely match to the page.
- Unlimitable sidebar Select and create a sidebars for each pages
- One-page Navigation Make it easy to create your new one-page site or micro-site using drag and drop builders with a custom menu system.
- Sharp Font icons The font icons always appear crystal-clear and appear amazing on any device's sizes and screens. In addition, the font icon help to increase the speed of loading of your website.
- Retina PreparedEnsure the images you upload and other elements are stunning and sharp on Retina and displays with high resolution.
- optimization in Google Mobile Compatibility Verify Your website's search results by Google will be more prominent and perform better to mobile device users. Google has updated their search algorithm to favor websites optimized for optimal display on handheld and mobile devices.
- SEO Engine Optimization (SEO) Theme has been developed with keywords HTML software and CSS that allows search engines to crawl, index and browse your pages effortlessly.
- Fully customizableWith the flexibility of our framework we designed the powerful theme that displays stunning images and portfolios in a variety of choices, for instance, full-screen images, slideshows, show, etc. It's not surprising that there are no two variations of the theme that will ever look exactly the identical.
- Multiple images uploadedThis theme comes with a gallery editor that supports bulk images uploader as well as drag&drop reordering.
- Translation supportTheme is available as .mo as well as .po Language files. Furthermore, theme works to work with WPML plugin, which allows the site to be translated into any language, or several languages.
- Other
- Compatible with the latest WordPress version
- Built using HTML5 and CSS3.
- JQuery Enhancements
- Javascript documents are automatically merged and optimized for increased performance.
- WordPress Multisite (WPMU) Tested
- SEO Optimized, fantastic SEO base included (compatible with SEO Plugins such as Yoast)
- Very well organized, commented and clear code
- A 100% responsive theme and you can easily switch it off or on
- Automatic Theme Updater
- The Social Icons and the Theme Icons comprise Font Icons and do not contain images.
- CSS3 animations can be disabled or enabled on mobile and desktop computers.
- CSS and Javascript compression support
- CSS3 Animations CSS3 animations are a great way to draw your viewers' attention to your site by setting the type, direction, and the speed at which elements are displayed.
- Child Theme support is available for more advanced customization that isn't affected by theme updates in the near future.
- The website was developed using WordPress best practices
Customer Service
- Once you've purchased the product, you will be able to use our support ticket system for expert support from our our highly skilled and experienced support staffto make sure you have the support you and your company require at the time you need it most.
- The most comprehensive documentation available online and offlineare included
- free theme updatesWe're working to enhance The quality of our themes by introducing new features as well as fixing bugs.
- The feedback of customers is always appreciated for the development of new features.
Integration and the Plugin
- Social Media Profiles Support Social Media can assist you to increase awareness of your brand's online presence and, consequently, themes provided the social media platforms, which includes
- Google Plus
- Flickr
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Tumblr
- Dribbble
- Behance
- 500px
- Image Stream Theme was used to provide the channel to display the photo stream in front of footer area.
- Instagram Photostream
- Flickr Photostream
- Compatible plugins
- WooCommerce plugin integration with shopping cart features.
- Create and manage your online store with WooCommerce integration.
- The plugin is to integrate with the theme.
- Show your products in accordance with category, ID , or SKU
- Custom-designed sliders for featured products to showcase your products
- Flexiblely setting up your shop's layout by using a the full width or sidebar templates.
- This plugin is great for artwork shops, photography and more.
- WPML Compatibility of Plugins This plugin lets you translate your website to any language or languages.
- Contact Form 7 is compatible with full design integration
- Use Google Maps above contact page contact form
- Modify the custom size of your map
- Create a sidebar or the the full length on your page for contact information.
- MAILCHIMPfor newsletter
- W3 Total Cache plugin support
- Yoast SEO plugin support
- WP Supercache plugin support
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