Introducing Walleyum - Cryptocurrency Wallet System with Exchange
Walleyum is a fully secure cryptocurrency wallet system built using NodeJS, ReactJS, and MySQL. It is a reliable and secure system. It is mainly utilized to create Cryptocurrency Wallet Systems and Cryptocurrency Exchanger. It integrates payment gateways such as Mollie, Coinbase, Paypal, Stripe, Coingate, Paystack, VogurePay, Coinpayments, and Flutterwave. There are withdrawal, deposit Referral, Exchange Merchant, User, and Withdrawal features that are available. The system allows users can sign up as members as well as Merchant. A user can transfer funds to another user. The feature of exchange is that it allows you to exchange currencies, and merchants can take the cash from the customer.
Administration Features
The Dashboard Menu Admin can view the total Deposits; Totals withdraws, Total Exchanges, and Total Users as well as Total Merchants. You can also view the statistics of the last 7 Days of withdrawals, Deposits, and Exchanges. Explore recently registered users.
The deposit system is entirely automated. The Admin can view what's happening in the History of the deposit transactions and change the Gateways by editing the individual payment gateways. Administrators also can activate and deactivate the payment gateway by removing it.
Administrators can view the History of the transfer of users.
In the section of withdraws, the Administrator can view the withdraw pending and approve the withdrawal manually. Administrators can also view the withdrawal History and set the withdrawal method.
The Admin can view the pending exchanges here , and can either approve or deny. You can also view what the History of the Exchanges is.
The entire History of payments can be viewed by visiting the Admin.
Administrators can manage all merchant lists and Pending Verification and Payment requests of the merchant here.
The Administrator can access all Lists of users here and modify users' information from it. Administrators can delete users or upgrade users to Merchant. Additionally, admins can communicate the message to a particular user.
In the section for settings, Admin can modify and add to the general configurations of the system. Create a new wallet, and retrieve currency rates. The Referral tab is where admins can add rates for the referral. In the tab Fees, admins can include the rate of exchange fees. In the APIs tab, Admin can include an API for Free Currency. API.
Site Builder
Site Builder can be described as a complete page builder. Administrators can create a new page, set the slug and create the section according to the desired design. In the Pages tab, the Administrator can add the page he would like to add. Logo & Favicon tab admin can upload logo and the Favicon of the website. The Administrator can create an item to the Menu on the Main Menu tab.
Language Support
The Currently system can be used in three languages: English, French, and Spanish
User Features
The dashboard's Menu, users can view the KYC status, deposit status, and withdrawal method in the dashboard menu. Find the referral link and share it with others. Are you able to view your Wallets as well as Recent Deposits?
Add the money
Users can add money or deposit through their preferred payment processor and view his deposit History.
Users can send money to another user. The user can look over the send logs as well as receive logs.
Users can withdraw funds and view the records. The Administrator must confirm and then either approve or deny the withdrawals.
The user can exchange money between wallets and see the records.
The user can make payments to various merchants and view the transaction logs.
Users can modify their settings for their account, change the KYC and connect the available accounts.
Merchant Features
Merchants can accept payment from customers, and users can pay merchants using their identification.
Key Features:
- 100% Responsive layout
- Landing Page
- Admin Panel
- User Panel
- Deposit
- Withdraw
- Exchange
- Merchant
- Make Payment
- Transfer
- Users
- Settings
- Site Builder
- Linked Account
- Coinpayment
- Payment Gateway
- Google Fonts
- Online Documentation
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