Introducing WP Ultimate Firewall Performance & Security
All Features
Security and Firewall - Real-Time Firewall Protection
Advanced Firewall protects your website from spam, fake and malicious users. Google and other search engine detections cannot block it, and it does not affect your website's SEO. Real-time firewall protection works in one of two ways. One is to block attacks once they are detected, and the second is to check them with reCAPTHCA. These settings can be set up with Prevention Method System.
> User-friendly Management Features
- You can view the status of your website and modify plugin settings from the admin panel.
> Multi-Language Feature
Ultimate Firewall can be translated into 100% of other languages. Edit with WPML plugin.
Available languages: English and Turkish
> Admin Reporting System
You can view all users' IP addresses and login times logged into your site using the admin panel. Additionally, you can receive email notifications when the admin logs in to the admin panel to increase your security.
> E-mail Notification Systems
You can use the email notification system to receive emails about hacker attacks, Brute-Force and Proxy attacks, spam comments attacks, Proxy Attacks, Proxy Attacks, Brute-Force attacks, Proxy Attacks, Proxy Attacks, Proxy Attacks, Proxy Attacks, Hacker attacks, Brute-Force, and Brute-Force attacks.
> Security Level System
You can make security changes in one step instead of doing it one at a time.
> Prevention Method System
- Your website can be protected from attacks by blocking access or using strong reCAPTCHA protection.
> Website Monitoring and Uptime Robot
You can view detailed information about your website using the Uptime Robot API. This requires a free Uptime Robot account.
> Website Optimization
Protect your website while speeding it up. The Ultimate Firewall plugin offers speed enhancement service in addition to the protection.
> Optimization Options
- GZip Compression
- HTML Compression
- Browser Caching
- Images of lazy-loading
- Author Archives & Links Removal
- Shortlink Removal
- Disable RSS Feeds
- Automatic ASYNC/DEFER Settings (for all JavaScripts).
- Query String Editor
- JavaScripts: Move to Footer
- WordPress Emoticon (Emoji Remover)
- jQuery Migrate Removal
- Speed Optimization for WooCommerce, BBPress, and BuddyPress
> HTTP Security Headers
HTTP Security Headers settings can be used to prevent HTTP attacks on your website. Allows you to enable XContent-Type Options, XSS-Protection, and XFrame-Options on your server.
> XML Security and REST-API Security
- Disable XML-RPC, REST-API to prevent Wordpress-based attacks
> File Editor Settings
- The Wordpress admin panel can be used to disable file editing.
> Captcha Protection
- Protect Wordpress comments, login, membership, and password reset forms with reCAPTCHA.
> Comment Protection
Protect your comments immediately with Honeypot and reCAPTCHA to prevent spam comment attacks!
> Content Protection
The content protection system will protect your content against being stolen. It's compatible with Google!
> WPScan and Generator Tag Security
You can activate the version conceal system to protect your website from WPScan. This will prevent any potential security breaches.
> Tor Detection
You can block people from accessing your website via tor browsers or servers.
> Proxy Protection
Proxy or free VPN software can be used to prevent others from logging into your site.
> Access Security
- This setting can be enabled to protect your website from attacks. You can also check the first-time users by using reCAPTCHA control.
> Hacker Protection
SQL Injection Protection can protect against malicious (virus) bots as well as fake search engine bots.
> Access Settings
You can block the IP address, country, and User-Agent information with access security settings.
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