In Greek mythology, Echo (from ἦχος (ēchos), meaning “sound”) was an Oread who fell in love with Zeus. She loved spreading the word about her love. Like Echo, this plugin will automatically “speak” on your blog with rich content blog posts using RSS feed sources.
What Can You Do With This Plugin?
Echo RSS Feed Post Generator Plugin for WordPress is a breaking edge RSS feed based post generator autoblogging plugin that uses the SimplePie API to turn your website into a autoblogging or even a money making machine!
You can automatically generate posts based on a set of predefined rules. These rules can generate posts from:
- Any blog that has a public RSS Feed available. All RSS feed versions are supported, from 0.9 to 2.0.
Also, you can automatically generate unlimited number of custom RSS feeds. These rules can generate RSS feeds from:
- Your latest posts published on your blog.
So, the plugin’s main features are:
- RSS Feed -> Blog Posts
- Blog Posts -> RSS Feed
Two for the price of one!
Other plugin features:
- v4.9.2 update: Added full support for Google Alerts RSS feeds
- v4.8.0 update: Ability to shorten outgoing (post source) links (and monetize them), using Shorte.st link shortener service – example of shortened link
- Unique (on the market) feature: import any custom field from any RSS feed content. More details, here.
- v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to publish post featured images to generated feeds
- v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to publish images from galleries found inside posts
- v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to import image galleries from imported posts
- v4.6.1 update: Added the ability to attach images to posts
- get full article content for posts from the feeds
- v4.7.7 update: JavaScript generated dynamic content importing supported!
- Google Translate support – select the language in which you want to post your articles
- Text Spinner support – automatically modify generated text, changing words with their synonyms – built-in, The Best Spinner, WordAI, SpinRewriter – great SEO value!
- customizable generated post status (published, draft, pending, private, trash)
- shortcode to list all posts generated by this plugin: [echo-list-posts type => ‘any’, order => ‘ASC’, ‘orderby’ => ‘date’, ‘posts’ => 50, ‘category’ => ’’, ‘ruleid’ => ’’]
- automatically generate post categories or tags from marketplace items
- update posts if they are already posted (and posts are still in the feed)
- manually add post categories or tags to items
- generate post or page or any custom post type
- embeds videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr, IGN, Ustream.tv and DailyMotion RSS feeds
- define publishing constrains: do not publish posts that do not have images, posts with short/long title/content
- automatically generate a featured image for the post
- enable/disable comments, pingbacks or trackbacks for the generated post
- customize post title and content (with the included wide variety of relevant post shortcodes)
- ‘Keyword Replacer Tool’ – It’s purpose is to define keywords that are substituted automatically with your affiliate links, anywhere they appear in the content of your site. For example, you can define a keyword ‘codecanyon’ and have it substituted by a link to http://www.codecanyon.net/?ref=user_name anywhere it appears in your site’s content.
- ‘Random Sentence Generator Tool’ (relevant sentences – as you define them)
- option to automatically delete generated posts after a period of time
- RSS Feed Generator – make unlimited fully customizable RSS Feeds
- detailed plugin activity logging
- scheduled rule runs
- custom field support for generated posts
- option to copy or not images locally
- option to add to generated posts a “rel=canonical” meta tag linking back to source post
- option to get page from Google cache when direct full content grabbing fails
- Maximum/minimum title length post limitation
- Maximum/minimum content length post limitation
- Add a string to all links from the imported post content – great affiliate feature!
- Add post only if predefined required keywords found in title/content
- Add post only if predefined banned keywords are not found in the title/content
- Save and restore RSS rule list from file
- Web proxy support
Testing this plugin
- You can test the plugin’s functionality using the ‘Test Site Generator’. Here you can try the plugin’s full functionality. Note that the generated testing blog will be deleted automatically after 24 hours.
- This blog is dedicated fully to this plugin! Try it out now!
- RSS #1 Test http://wpinitiate.com/echo-demo/?feed=echo-rss1
- RSS #2 Test http://wpinitiate.com/echo-demo/?feed=echo-rss2
Plugin Requirements
- PHP DOM -> how to install it (if you don’t have it, but probably you already have it): http://php.net/manual/en/dom.setup.php
- PHP 5.2 or higher
- PHP’s XML extension (enabled by default)
- PHP’s PCRE extension (enabled by default)
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