Multilevel marketing is a professional script which allows you to start your own online business, more then that you can also use this script for promoting the products. It is the procedure to start your own earning website, as a side business or even multipurpose. This script will help you to earn money online and you can start your own MLM system. This script is totally based on MLM system.
Do you need a system where you can Do following:
1. Referral Earnings
2. No Of Refferals
3. Create packages with renew date/expirydate
4. Charge to join packages or even you can create free packages
5. Track earnings upto level 20
5. Send Notifications to All Users
6. Paypal Gateway to Accept Payments
7. Payza Payment Gateway 8. SOLIDTRUSTPAY Payment Gateway 9. Cash On Delivery Option as payment gateway
Admin—> created a package for 10$ -> visitor buys a package -> he becomes the member of your website. -> Now when this member refers a visitor and he buys this package under sponsor -> then the referral will be paid (Referral amount would be set by admin) and so on.
Live Demo URL
Click Here For User Demo
Username – demodemodemo Password – 123456789
Click Here For Admin Demo
Username – adminadmin Password – 123123123
What are the features of this script?
1. Login system
2. Signup System
3. Forgot password recovery
4. Referral system
5. Admin panel
6. Pay upto 20 levels to referrals
7. More Security
8. Fast support system
9. Users can earn money
10. Users can send payment request
11. Theme included (No need to design any theme)
12. Easy integration
13. Customized programing
14. Comments system for every code of line
15. Advertisements can be placed on any page, to earn maximum money
16. Profile pages included – Users can update their profiles easily
17. Users can see his/her down line
And several more…
It is the simple 10 min installation process script which allows you to run own referral marketing website.
This script will allow to:
1. Register users on your website and you can pay signup bonus and referrals upto 20 levels.
2. Users will get money on making referrals. You can set amount for per referral.
3. They can give payment request through their account when they reached minimum payout level. (Level can set by you)
How this script works?
Ans: Lets say Admin created multiple packages for $10, $20, $30. Now Visitor signup for a package under any referral, then referral would be paid for referring the successful visitor.
Its a simple referral based marketing where you can distribute the money over several levels of referral.
How many packages can admin create?
Ans: Admin can create unlimited packages.
Which payment gateway it supports?
Ans: PayPal Payment Gateway And Cash On Delivery.
How many referral levels are there?
Ans: There are 20 levels in the script, i.e. you can pay up-to 20 levels for each signup.
Can admin send any notification to all user just like news or MSG? Ans: Yes, there is notification center for user where they can see latest posts, msgs or notifications.
Can admin manipulate users? Ans: Yes admin have full authority to manipulate users details by login into admin account.
1. Promote your products with the help of this marketing system.
2. Promote your services with the help if this marketing system.
3. Earn money even without offering even any kind of product or service.
Are You Ready ?
1. To flood your PayPal account with this marketing script. 2. To start your own Referral Website 3. Earn and share money
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