What is MWeb Pro?
The software is MWeb Pro. It comes with the feature of static website generation. Do you not need to use the feature of generating static websites? It would help if you considered buying MWeb's standard version. MWeb Standard version.
MWeb Pro is an app that lets professional Note-taking, Markdown writing, and static blogging on Mac, iPad, and iPhone. These are just some particular features that are available in MWeb Pro.
MWeb has markdown extensions as well as professional-level markdown. MWeb allows publishing to a variety of blogs and social networks. It also offers preview themes. It also lets you choose between two ways of working, which allows users to add folders and the other, which is called the library. This is for notes and static documents.
MWeb Pro Great Features:
The software:
- Create using Native macOS technology and the search for the ideal combination and system.
- The principle is to go for a simple interface and has high performance. Then, it's powerful, simple to use, and has full-featured.
Markdown syntax:
- Make use of Github Flavored Markdown syntax (GFM).
- Table support, TOC, LaTeX, Fenced Block of code, Task lists, Footnote, Table, etc.
- The Markdown graphics support mermaid visualization, charts, and planted. It also supports sequence flow.
Markdown assistance:
- Support screenshots and paste. Copy and paste drag and drop images, and show them directly within the editor.
- Support to set the image's width that is compatible using Markdown syntax.
- Table inserts that are useful as well as LaTeX Writing aids.
Markdown output
- Exporting as HTML, Image PDF, Epub Docx, RTF, Docx.
- Publishing via Wordrpess, Metaweblog API, Wordpress.com, Evernote, Blogger Medium, Tumblr.
- The image upload service is compatible with Google Photos, Imgur, upyun, Qiniu, and Custom API.
Note-taking with Markdown:
- A robust document library can support tags and category trees for documents. Documents can be categorized into a variety of categories. You can export a categorical category to Epub or PDF and make static websites. It's great for personal note-taking, knowledge gathering, management, and output.
- Quick Note.
- Quick Search.
External Markdown document:
- External Markdown documents work in External Mode. The External Mode uses an underlying directories tree for editing and managing your Markdown documentation. It also allows the gitbook program, JekyII, Hexo editing, and the insertion of images.
More Feature
- Custom Editor Theme.
- Custom Preview Style (CSS).
- Custom Static Blog Theme.
- Built-in Spell Check.
- Full Version History.
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