Introducing Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets - EM4U
The EM4U theme Event Tickets WordPress theme is an adaptive modern template suitable that can be used for Event Ticket, Event Theme Conference, Event Agency, Meetup Webinars, Business Music, Marketing, Ads Event, and Sport Event.
You can add Private Data in Tickets like Link or Password for access to a platform such as Google Meeting, or Zoom so that you can quickly sell tickets for virtual events like virtual meetings online classes and online yoga classes webinars, etc.
Manage Multiple Events without lots of effort. Create an Event page landing and an Event one page that is suitable for your needs.
Our platform for events assists customers in booking events directly on our website. We have several well-known payment gateways, including: Paypal, Stripe, Woocommerce.
Event management systems allow administrators to manage the information on tickets according to the Name Event Customer, the QR Code .... that is included in the tickets.
This platform for events is the best choice for managing your events.
Events Management Plugin
- Hierarchical Categories tree: The event Management System allows you to create an event categorized in various categories. It is possible to manage categories easily and visually appealing using a hierarchical category tree.
- Event Calendar Em4u lets you select months and days in a single click by using a beautiful Date Time user interface. It's easy to alter the format of date and month to suit your specific country. The event calendar feature allows you to show your events according to various criteria such as the upcoming events, future events, previous events, categories events, and all events. The event calendar feature lets you discover the suitable events for your expected date.
- Google Map It is integrated directly into the website, meaning that locations are shown precisely to the users. Furthermore, the system categorizes events according to locations locations.
- Locator Post Type Utilizing a hierarchical place tree that has two levels assists you in becoming a hierarchical City or State City.
- Venue Type Venue: Avenue is the place in which events are held. You can create any number of venues you'd like without any limitations. The system permits venues to display lots of details, including working days, maps, and contact details... In addition, it allows for the display of the list of venues and events for every venue.
- Event Calendar features The Event we offer is the best choice for managing events because it has a fantastic feature for managing events. Schedule feature. You can create endless schedules. Label, date, and date for each tab are displayed readily. Within this tab, you will be able to select Description, Speaker time, Title, and Description. You can select one or more Speakers from the list.
- A Speaker Post Type You can select this type in your schedule. You can create unlimited speakers by adding information like bio Social... The list of speakers is available on the front end. In the detail of each speaker, you'll find information and list events that the speaker attended.
- Tickets for the event are among the most significant Event Booking WordPress Theme features. You can create unlimited tickets
- It allows you to manage inventory for the tickets.
- The certificate file is embedded on the ticket. document file for certificates is embedded in each ticket (PDF or Image file )
- Different tickets are generated for free, paid Woo, and External using various payment gateways.
- Payment GatewaysOur Event Platform can support the following three payments channels: Paypal, and Stripe Offline Payment. In addition to the three, using Woocommerce for booking events, it is possible to use different Payment Gateways compatible with your purpose.
- Manage tickets quickly: A customer information management system that includes the QR Code and Bar Code can help you manage tickets with minimal effort. QR codes on websites allow you to check and change ticket status. It's convenient to mail tickets to customers even if they've not received any emails ( pdf file, QR code ).
- Include Private Information Link, and Password on the ticket. If the buyer purchases a ticket, they will receive private details. Therefore, you can provide Link, and Password access to an online meeting platform such as Google Meeting, or Zoom. Google Meeting.
- Allow integrating QR Code logo, Barcode, Logo Certificate file in the PDF of the ticket file.
- The customer can download the ticket in the frontend's manage booking section.
- Gallary Feature The feature lets you pick several images for an event using Gallary Feature. We use Media System to help you manage your gallery events effortlessly.
- The Sponsors: Sponsors feature is an essential one permits you to make unlimited sponsors levels such as gold sponsors, silver sponsors.....Choosing images and links for each sponsor is a simple way.
- Organizer The information of the organizers is easily accessible on the web, including Name Email, Phone Website, and so on. Additionally, you can hide this private information.
- The system also allows the email form to ask questions about the events.
- The Extra Information feature EventPlatfom lets you show additional information at the bottom of the page: an advertisement image or a brief introduction.
- Listing Event It is possible to arrange the event list by your Name, Order, Feature the ID, and Start Date that is accessible within Elements the PageBuilder from WPBakery.
- The events Search System on the website makes it easy for customers to find events. We employ Shortcode to show Form Search, so you can place it wherever you want. You may choose to Show Field or Hide Field based on the purpose.
- Backend System supports various options that allow you to personalize the theme to suit your requirements.
- System for managing orders In Order management, it is possible to have access to customer details, order status, and many other details.
- Tag System allows users to find events by tag.
- Attendees Export Systems can help export attendees and tickets details for every event to CSV files.
- Change slug event and Category in the backend with ease.
- Template Override: Allow the template you choose to modify the default template for the plugin for managing events in your child theme.
- The option requires login before Checkout Event
- The customer can download tickets in the management booking section at the front end.
- Support ReCaptcha in the Event Register Form
Other Features
- 12+ Home Page Variation
- 11 Slideshow Variation
- 05 Header Variation
- 05 Footer Variation
- 10 Event List Style.
- 04 Blog Styles.
- 04 Speaker List Style
- 02 Venue List Style
- 03 Contact Template
- Support Woocommerce
- Support MegaMenu
- Free WPBakery Page Builder Plugin
- Free Cube Portfolio Plugin
- One-click import demo data
- Change Header, Footer in each event/post/page easily
- Change layout (left sidebar, right-sidebar, no-sidebar) in each post/page
- Support Wide or Boxed in post/page
- .pot file already for translating language
- Support icon font: Font-Awesome, Eleganticons, Flaticon
- Responsive 100%
- Support IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
- Documentation Step by Step
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