Introducing FiMobile Finance HTML Template
FiMobile UX Finance and Wallet Mobile HTML template Fi Mobile are HTML, CSS, and JSS templates. Bootstrap mobile is the first HTML/JS framework and Framework7, together with the Angular UI start-up kit. We provide a variety of custom, original, and adaptable components. We are also expanding our component library, including widgets and other third-party adjustments. We are also planning to develop numerous other demo pages for our clients so they can easily create HTML pages that can meet their needs. Here, you can view the dashboard stats, profile, statistics sending money, receiving money, and wallet pages.
We'll also expand it and continue to work with HTML 5 and the significant usage of CSS3 we aimed for. We've employed frameworks including Framework7, Bootstrap, and Framework7 with Angular 12 UI starting kit. This framework uses flex-box properties and offers a lot of smooth and responsive user interfaces. The framework itself is the ability to adjust its responsiveness to devices ranging from small and large. The Bootstrap templates also come with many different Mobile HTML pages.
The most challenging part for developers is to arrange HTML elements for UI into other technologies and create a functional. We have made it simple by creating layouts and structures using the Angular 12 UI starter kit, a demo that can be seen in the preview. You can now begin your angular project using the starter kit and learn how to incorporate structure into router outlets.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of FiMobile Finance HTML Template NOW!