Introducing uCloud - File Hosting Script - Securely Manage, Preview & Share Your Files
uCloud enables freelancers, small businesses (such as media agencies), and webmasters to share their files online easily. It’s been built to be highly robust, secure, and fast!
- PHP 8.1 support
- LiteSpeed support (as well as Apache & Nginx)
- 2FA integration using Google Authenticator
- Video, audio, image & document embed code
- Code previews & syntax highlighting
- Core framework performance improvements
- Upload Files:
- SFTP, FTP, Rackspace, and Amazon S3 Storage.
- BackBlaze storage support.
- Use Wasabi using this guide.
- Scale your storage using your dedicated server storage (direct downloads/uploads).
- Internally shared files & folders. Share multiple files & folders with other registered users and enable them to view, upload and download files.
- Global sharing option.
- Multi-file uploader with progress. 10GB+ filesize supported.
- Images previewed before upload. File icons are shown for each file before upload.
- Percentage progress, size remaining, upload speed, and time remaining.
- Background uploading of files. Continue to manage your account while files are being uploaded.
- Drag & Drop into the browser to begin uploading.
- Send via email option once uploaded.
- Copy folder URL to the clipboard link.
- It was a built in URL shortener.
- Support for multiple file servers.
- File details page with the following:
- Full path to the file.
- HTML code to directly copy into a website.
- Forum code to directly copy into a forum.
- Link to view statistics for the file.
- Link to remove the file.
- Links to share with common social media sites; Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Link to share via email.
- File Manager:
- Login with your Facebook, Twitter, or Google Account (optional setting via admin).
- User registration page.
- Terms & Conditions page.
- Privacy Policy page.
- Built using ajax, so the entire file manager is lightning fast!
- Thumbnails generated for images & pdf files (requires ImageMagick)
- File previews for a considerable amount of files:
- Images – jpg, jpeg, png, gif, wbmp
- Documents – doc, Docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pdf, pages, ai, tiff, dxf, SVG, eps, ps, TTF, otf, XPS (< 15MB)
- Videos – mp4, Flv (when Flash enabled), Ogg
- Audio – mp3
- Caching of image thumbnails for fast load times.
- Right-click menu options on each file & folder to quickly manage the options.
- Powerful search widget. Quickly shows you files and folders which match your search.
- Advanced search to find files by upload date and folder.
- Requires an account to upload and manage files. (admin controlled)
- Two view options for files:
- Icon view – showing file thumbnails.
- List view.
- Full-screen mode.
- Sort file listing by filename, file size, date uploaded, last access, and total downloads.
- Change the number of files shown per page.
- Download an entire folder as a zip file.
- Duplicate file(s) option.
- Rename, move & delete file options.
- Watermarking of images by folder option. Upload a png watermark, and set the position and padding. This can then be enabled by the folder. Use this to share ‘proof’ copies of images to customers without giving the user full access to the image.
- File Downloads:
- Built-in support for xSendFile & xAccelRedirect! Big improvements on server performance if enabled.
- Files are stored securely on your web host. They are renamed without the extension on upload and placed inside a folder that can’t be accessed directly.
- Downloads are done using a secure access hash which expires after use, and the same download link can not be used multiple times.
- Detailed File Statistics:
- Daily, weekly, and monthly downloads.
- Referring sites.
- Visiting countries.
- Visiting browsers.
- Visiting operating systems.
- Sharing:
- Links to share files & folders via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & more.
- If a folder is private, generate a unique URL to enable someone without an account to access it.
- Send via email option on all files & folders.
- Option to hide or show the download button when sharing folders.
- Option to allow or disable downloading of all files within a shared folder.
- Security:
- 2FA support using Google Authenticator.
- Account password stored using SHA256 & PBKDF2 key extender.
- Set file folders and private or public.
- Set passwords on file folders.
- IP blacklisting – block IP addresses from using the site.
- Support for HTTPS.
- They are externally tested for XSS and SQL injection attacks.
- Customizations:
- Written for PHP7.3+.
- 100% complete source code.
- Easy installation.
- Fully customizable.
- Modern template. (easily customize and create additional ones)
- Simple, clean, ajax style look and feel.
- Admin Area:
- Redesigned admin area using Bootstrap 3.
- Interactive bulk import tool.
- Separate dedicated admin area.
- Dashboard detailing downloads and active files.
- Search files.
- Disable files.
- Support for multiple languages. Automatic language translation via Google Translation API. Note: This may incur additional charges for using their API.
- Manage users and filter by user files.
- Manage blocked IPs.
- Manage site settings.
- Set and manage file servers.
- Configure to use a specific file server or the one with the most space.
- Set template.
- Set user account settings:
- Days to keep static files.
- Maximum upload file size.
- And more.
- Option to set the filename on the download URL.
- Modern Ajax interface.
- Via the admin area, quickly set the logo, extra CSS, and site skin.
- Automatic language translations via Google Translate API. Translate the entire site content to another language by clicking a button. Note: Requires a Google API key. Manually edited translations can be marked as ‘locked’ so they’re not overwritten.
- Added option in admin to block the same file from being re-uploaded. Optional on file remove and automatic after removal on abuse reports.
- Added admin “impersonate user” option, so admin users can login as any other user account.
- We added new admin page for backing up the database and codebase. Functionality is also built in preparation for automatic upgrades at a later date.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of uCloud - File Hosting Script - Securely Manage, Preview & Share Your Files NOW!
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Files Password : webdevdl.ir
Download speed is limited, for download with higher speed (2X) please register on the site and for download with MAXIMUM speed please join to our VIP plans.