Laptina World is the Perfect Finance, Consulting & Business PSD Template. Finance is best suited for corporate website like Financial Advisor, Accountant, Consulting Firms etc. This is a business template that is help full for online presence for Corporate Business and Financial Firms
63 PSD files in total. The design is very easy to work with and modify to suit any kind of wellness website you need.
This Design Include 63 PSD files
-01_laptina_home_v01 - 02_laptina_home_v02 - 01_laptina_home_v03 - 01_laptina_home_v04 - 01_laptina_home_v05 - 01_laptina_home_v06 - 01_laptina_home_v07 - 01_laptina_home_v08 -01_laptina_home_v09 - 01_laptina_home_v10 - 01_laptina_home_v11 - 01_laptina_home_v12 - 01_laptina_home_v13 - 01_laptina_home_v14 - 01_laptina_home_v15 - 01_laptina_home_v16 - 01_laptina_home_v17 - 01_laptina_home_v18 - 01_laptina_home_v19 - 01_laptina_home_v20 - 01_laptina_home_v21 - 22_laptina_about_us_v1 - 23_laptina_about_us_v2 - 24_laptina_about_us_v3 - 25_laptina_about_us_v4 - 26.1_laptina_about_us_v4 - 26.2_laptina_about_us_v4 - 26.3_laptina_about_us_v4 - 26.3_laptina_make_donation_v4 - 26.4_laptina_patner_v4 - 26_laptina_blog_detail_v1 - 27_laptina_blog_detail_v2 - 28_laptina_blog__v1 - 29_laptina_blog__v2 - 30_laptina_blog__v3 - 31_laptina_blog_mansory_v4 - 32_laptina_portfolio_v1 - 33_laptina_portfolio_v2 - 34_laptina_portfolio_v3 - 35_laptina_portfolio_v4 - 36_laptina_portfolio_v5 - 37_laptina_contact_us_v1 - 38_laptina_contact_us_v2 - 39_laptina_testimonial_v1 - 40_laptina_faq_v1 - 41_laptina_gallery_v1 - 43_laptina_approach_styls - 44_laptina_servicesv1 - 45_laptina_servicesv2 - 46_laptina_shop-listv1 -47_laptina_shop-listv2 - 48_laptina_our-teamv1 - 49_laptina_our-teamv2 - 50_laptina_our-teamv3 - 51_laptina_portfliov5 - 52_laptina_porduct_detail_v2 - 54_laptina_porduct_detail_v4 - 56_laptina_porfolio_detail_v2 - 57_laptina_porfolio_detail_v3 - 58_laptina_recent case _studies_v1 - 59_laptina_career_v1 - 60_laptina_cases_v1 -61_laptina_header_styls - 62_laptina_dropmenu_v1 - 63_laptina_coming_soon_v1
Adobe Photoshop Compatibility
These layered PSD files are compatible with Adobe CS5 and later.
- 21 Homepage layouts - Well Organized layers makes it very easy to update - Site content is 1170px grid wide - All fonts used in the templates are available for download, the links are below
This Theme Include 63 PSD files
Fonts used
Montserrat Poppins Lato Crimson Text
Icon used
All images are just used for preview purpose only and NOT included in the final purchase files.
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