Introducing CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce
The native Android CiyaShop application is ideal for your business, client shopping shop, or freelancer. Its attractive design and features make sense for online shops to engage customers to form loyalty. It can be used in retail shops, online marketplaces, fashion shops, and cosmetics shops. Would you please look at our 20+ demos and discover a new way to build WooCommerce-based online shops?
The CiyaShop Android app supports all Woo-commerce themes. The CiyaShop Android app is configured with popular themes like Wood-mart and Flat-some. It supports more than 15 payment options, including RazarPay and PayuIndia, Paytm, Paytm, and Paypal. CiyaShop Android is used in over 30 countries. Check out our App-insight Page: Click Here
- Listing of Products
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- Today's Special Deal (Schedule Product).
- Feature Box (Example: Free shipping, replacement within 10 days, easy refund type of text) (Can be set from Admin
- About us
- Contact us (Can Be Set From Admin).
- Social Links (Can be set from Admin)
- Notification Enable/Disable
- Notification History (Order Placed, Order Status Change, and Many More)
- Rate the App
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- Rate and Review
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- Privacy Policy (Can be set from Admin)
- Multi-Language (English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. It is easy to add another language.
- WebView Checkout (Supports all payment options that woo-commerce supports).
What's the point of a mobile app if I already have a responsive website?
Being where your customers are is a key part of any business. They are online (mobile website) and on their home screen (mobile app) at different times in today's business world. A business's success depends on its ability to attract and retain customers. Your website is the first part, and your application is the second.
Many cross-platform and hybrid technologies can be used to create native apps.
Native applications have their own benefits. Native applications improve user experience by making it easier to use, more accessible, and quicker to find.
Native Hybrid Performance: High Low Preference: First preference for business-specific applications. Generally, not a first preference. Native apps are the first step. Businesses don't usually choose hybrids for their first step. Accessibility: The features can be accessed offline. All features require that the user is connected to the internet. Security: Low. User Experience: Low. Integration: The device's geolocation, camera, and other features can easily be integrated. However, the integration of specific features is difficult.
Click on the below link to download NULLED version of the CiyaShop Native Android Application based on WooCommerce NOW!
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12/17/2019 2:22:47 PM
Not working its requires activation key and plugin crashes
The old version was uploaded, installed, then updated with version 2.0 files. If you still have problems, check the prerequisites version, or wait for the next update
12/10/2019 11:43:13 PM
Not working its requires activation key and plugin crashes