Introducing Once - Clean & Elegant WordPress Blog Theme
Once is a contemporary and straightforward WordPress theme designed for contemporary content-based magazines and blogs.
6 Beautifully Created Demos All in one Theme
Our distinctive feature is The Demo Switcher; you may apply a new demo at any time without having to alter the content. If you are bored by any of the demos, select a different one to get a different look and feel for your website or publication.
Section Featured Posts
The show featured posts in various styles and designs on your website's homepage.
Multi-Page Header Header Formats
There are three distinct types of page headers for your pages and posts. Show your featured posts' header using an image overlay or a smaller header for your page.
Smart Colors
If you select dark backgrounds for your footer or header, the link and text colors will be changed to white. It is not necessary to create a large number of color options since many of them operate automatically depending on the color you select.
Customize your experience with Instant Live Preview
All themes can be customized using the built-in WordPress customizing feature. Get rid of the old settings pages and manually refresh your site to view the modifications. Check out all changes in real-time while setting up your ideal site or blog.
Multiple Archive Layouts to use for Homepage as well as Archive Pages
Choose between different layouts for your homepage and archives pages. Show your posts in grid or list timeline, complete or brick layouts.
Multiple Page Layouts
Choose the appropriate layout for your blog posts, archives, the home page, and pages. You can display a sidebar on the right or left sides or choose the full-width page layout to display your content.
Super-Fast Mega-Menu
Display your latest posts as thumbnails right on the top of the list. Do not worry; this menu won't cause any slowdown to your site because the content is loaded dynamically and only after a user hovers over the menu item.
Support for AMP
We have also added designs for the AMP pages that match the primary style of your site. Install the official WordPress plugin AMP to allow the Google Accelerated Mobile Pages to your site.
Eliminate Featured Posts from our Main Archive
Everyone knows that, and Google knows that duplicate content is not good. Make sure you don't have duplicate content displayed on the homepage of your site by removing featured posts from your central archive with just one click.
Google Fonts
Create various styles using 800plus Google Fonts support. Select the font you want from the dropdown, and then see it in a flash on your site - no further confusion about CSS regulations or code fragments.
Additional Content
Have you ever thought of placing an ad space under your header? A brief description before you can place the feature posts area of your homepage? A subscribe form beneath the content of your posts? Our signature feature allows you can add any content to different templates without changing templates or overriding templates using child themes.
Smart Sticky Navigation
Enhance the viewport for mobile users by showing your main menu only when you scroll upwards. You can also force the menu to remain in place for the duration of the scroll. Or, if you want to disable the feature altogether, You decide! Choose one of three options within the theme settings in a single click.
Sticky Sidebar
Your widgets should be sticky as you scroll through the pages. Choose between two choices that either adhere to the bottom of your sidebar or stick to the top edge of your last widget. Improve the conversion rate of your ads by making the ad the widget you last used and selecting the second option. In contrast to other themes' sticky sidebars, we've got one that is activated and does not flicker on mobiles or tablets. With the help of the web browser's native sticky positioning, we have created a sidebar animated beautifully on desktops and mobiles.
Intelligent Multi-Level Menu with Smart Multi-Level
You are the one who decides the structure of your content. Our theme can be used to create unlimited levels for the main menu. When there's no room within the viewport for an option dropdown, it will show in the opposite direction. Additionally, it works with mobile devices that use touch screens, too.
Mobile Slide-Out Menu that includes Widgets
Display the menu on mobile devices when you click"burger" on devices on the mobile. You can also add social links, a subscription from Facebook fan pages, or other widgets on your mobile menu, precisely like you would in a standard sidebar.
Smart Featured Post Sources for Featured Posts
The featured post section may include different post sources. You can filter posts using a tag or category, sort posts by date, number of views, or even specify the date that the posts were posted.
Posts that are archived Posts
Divide your posts into several pages, and then add proper pagination styled to the end of your posts.
Co-Authors, Guest Authors or Multi-Author Posts Co-Authors, as well as Support
Participate in guest authors without creating separate accounts for users or adding multiple authors to a post using Co-Authors Plus' integration of Co-Authors Plus plugin support. Authors of all posts, including contributors and guest authors, can have social accounts and bios.
Inbuilt support is provided for RTL (right-to-left) dialects such as Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, or other RTL written languages.
Numbered Pagination Load More and Infinite Load
This "Load More" button and the Infinite Load feature will motivate users to remain on your site longer by browsing your archive of posts without refreshing your browser page.
We are using the REST API for instantaneously fetching posts, and it is the fastest method of dynamically loading content in WordPress.
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